day 10

7 1 0

November 10,

Morning update- Today's not much better but I still have to go to school. But I might get out at 10 or 12. Probably not though because they all are liers. I'm in a bad mood today but I will just play it off like I'm ok. I guess this is all for the morning update. I'm ready tired but I just will have to deal with it.

1end of school update- Today's out of school. Yayyyyy. Umm today wasn't that bad but I still miss khaos. BUT I FOUND A WAY TO TALK TO HIM AGAIN!!!! So I'm really happy about that. Mom got her surgery. It took forever but I got to go with lorrie and Yas to a book story. Lorrie needed a book or sumthin. I saw a whole lot of manga books while yas was stuck on a billie elish book. It was amazing, I may have read though the inappropriate ones but who knows. Also I got out of school at 1. We got chick-fil-a. First time ever trying it. It was amazing!!!! Everything i had was amazing, the taste, how it was cooked, and it was all soft. Amazing. Fun fact I don't use the bathroom at school and I'm sitting in a truck and it's now 5;56.Fun. My mom payed for my phone bill so I should have WiFi right now  I don't. Idk why but who cares. I'm tired and it's now 6;52. I fell asleep again. I'm internal dying. FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK OFFFFFFFFFFFFFF LIFFE!!!!!!!!! I FOR FIT GODAMNV BHTRJHGG DYE JTTTFYK,b  CK GUVJF5UFFFTFEYXHFHCHCHDDGUFYCGJY7YDGTXHFHFHFHTIXHHRYRFGVHFJDJXUCJCSHDHDYDYFYDHXHut, sorry I had to let go some energy. Umm that's all bye


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