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This will be so chaotic so get ready

It was a normal Tuesday for everyone. There was Stefen hanging out with Joy, Parker, and Nataline. But what stefen didn't know is that everyone talked shit about him. Not even his own boyfriend liked him, Edmond. "Hey baby" Says stefen. "Stefen not right now please I'm hanging out with my friends" Says Edmond. "Oh Ok that's fine." Stefen says as he walks away, then he heard yelling, there was a big crowd near the playground so he wanted to know what was going on. He saw parker and joy in the middle of the circle. "STEFEN IS HERE!" Says someone random. He was pushed into the middle with Joy and Parker. "What's going on?" Stefen asked confused. "What's going on?, you keep talking shit about our friend" Parker said angry. Stefen was still confused, "What, I never talked shit about them, wait who are we even talking about?" He says. "We're talking about Nataline"says Joy. "I NEVER TALKED SHIT ABOUT HER!" Stefen said as a little bit of tears started to form into his eyes. "Oh yeah then why is there a rumor going around that I like Keira?" Says Nataline. "IDK IT WAS PROBABLY EMILIE THAT DID IT!" Before he even got the chance of looking at them Joy started choking Stefen, then Parker started choking and kicking stefen. Once they were done, Stefen was lying on the ground with a busted lip, bloody nose and broken wrist. At this point, everyone had left to do there own thing. Stefen tried to get up but was pushed down by someone.....and that someone was.........Ray. "You really think we would let you go that easily?" Ray said. Stefen was to weak to say anything, He was kicked and punched more and more by Ray, he couldn't even get up after it. He felt something being thrown at him, it felt like flowers, he squinted his eyes and saw his boyfriend....Edmond. "We're done, I'm never dating you again." *He betrayed me* Stefen thought. Then, he was stabbed and hit with things. Then he breathed in his last .............


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