They were my everything

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"AHHHHHHHHHHH" The screams of the girl I was hurting, well more like murdering, could probably be heard around the neighborhood. I dragged her body out and hung it up on a tree. *Oh no* I thought,the time I've been dreading. Being a murderer is harder than you think. Having to kill people that you love or you used to love. Angela, My girlfriend, I had to murder her, she's my next kill. I didn't want to, but I had to, I murder people for a living. I was now walking to her house. The anxiety is washing over me already. I walked up to her house climbing up to the window. When I looked in the window to see a guy? *A guy...she's falling out of love with me. Am I not good enough for her* it thought, *No get that out of your head she loves you*, When the guy left, I knocked on her window. "Chenhao what are you doing here!" Angela said angrily. "Damn girl no need to be so harsh." I said, Weird she never greets me like that. "Sorry, come in" she let's me climb through the window, "I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." I said. She nods and I go walking to the bathroom. *I have to kill her, I really don't want to, she's the only person who I feel comfortable with and safe with, I can't imagine myself with anyone else but her* As I'm walking back from the bathroom I see her and the guy............kissing? Wtf. *I guess this is my time to kill her?* But the guy gets up and jumps out the window, *How long has this man been here?* I walk into her room, "Hi Ang" I say. She doesn't say anything

I'm cheating on you."she says. "What?" I asked her confused. "YOU FUCKING HEARD ME IM CHEATING ON YOU, YOURE SO CLINGY AND FUCKING ANNOYING." I looked at her in disbelief, still shocked. She held up a knife and stabbed me, multiple times.

I woke up panting. *It was just a dream* I looked to my left and Angela wasn't there. Oh right.........She died 2 years ago, I killed her. I felt something to my right, like.......something was breathing on me and then........darkness.

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