Off with your head

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I was always a good boy. Or so I thought I was. Another boring day at school, We honestly do the same thing everyday. My friend, Diego. He was probably one of the hottest guys I've ever met. Oh yeah, forgot to mention my name, well, my name is Parker. Anyways back to what I was saying. All the girls we're falling for him. Well more like the 5th graders because half of the 6th graders are gay. I always admired him, his jawline, nose, eyes, hair, everything about him. I've always wanted to know what he was like in bed. So, I did the stupidest thing you could possibly do, I invited him over. I made sure my mom and my siblings were doing something today. I was finished getting ready when I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly walked downstairs, I opened the door and.....There he was. "Hey parker" he said. "H-hey". Don't stutter you're making yourself look bad, i thought to myself. "Come in". He walked in and I led him upstairs.





Alexis's Pov

I couldn't believe it. Parker is hanging out with Diego. He was supposed to be hanging out with me. I slowly walked into the house. I went upstairs and find them kissing on the bed. I went downstairs again. I walked to the kitchen to get a knife. Parker is mine, and only mine. After I found the biggest knife I could I went back upstairs and slowly walked into the room. I held up the knife to Diego's back and stabbed him.






Parkers Pov

We were kissing, until I felt him stop. I pulled back and looked at him, he seemed.........dead. I looked straight and there HE was. I screamed, and pushed the now dead Diego off me. I tried to run out but was stabbed.


Dance Dance till you're dead 💃🕺👯‍♂️


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