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Isla Mae's P.O.V

we got out of the car and I was walking with Aubrey and we were just talking and I felt like I can trust her and now that I have trusted Shelly and Aubrey and Jared, I'm still nervous to see Mason and now I'm super nervous.

I stopped in my spot and then I started to breathe really heavy and then I sat on the bench that was outside their house and was hyperventilating and I wasn't really paying attention and then Shelly came over to me and looked at me and hugged me and asked Aubrey to get my medication and then my breathing under control and was way calmer and then I took my medication.

I got up and then continued to walk into the house and then Jared put my bag into a room with 3 beds and a big closet and told me to wait there while they get Mason.

I walked around the room and put away my stuff in the closet.

and then I laid on the bed and ended up falling asleep

Shelly's P.O.V

I knocked on Isla's door and no one answered so I slowly opened the door and I saw her and she was asleep.

I gently woke her up and she woke up and we told her that it was time to surprise Mason.

she got up and took her medication and took a really big deep breath.

Isla: I'm so nervous. what if he doesn't remember me?

Shelly: Isla, honey he talked about you and your brother all the time when he first came here. are you alright if I film you and Mason reuniting?

Isla: Yea that's perfectly fine I want to remember this moment forever.

Shelly: I'm going to start filming and then I will tell you when to come in.

she nodded at me.

Shelly: Hey Keep it Crazy family, today is a very special day but today I have a surprise for Mason. Come on up here Mason. put on this blindfold and we will bring out your surprise.

I give Jared the camera and Isla's camera so he can record this moment on both and I went to the hallway to grab Isla. we walk back to the living room and we put her in front of Mason.

Shelly: Ok Mason, are you ready?

Mason: Yes

Shelly: Okay Open your eyes.

He took off his blindfold and he froze for a second and then Isla broke the silence.

Isla: Hey C.

Mason: Omg.

They hugged each other and they both started crying. They didn't want to let go of each other.

Mason: I can't believe you're here.

Isla: I missed you so much.

Mason: I missed you so much.

*Time Skip*

Shelly: So seeing Mason and his sister was so sweet. She is so quiet and reserved but when they saw each other they were so excited.

Jared: So we let them have their time to get to know each other since they haven't seen each other in a really long time.

Shelly: They are so similar and they act like the same person. But you guys probably want to get to know her.

Jared: So we have talked to both of them and we are going to do a Q&A

Jared and I got the camera set up and Jared, Isla and Mason got in front of the camera.

Jared: So this is Isla Mae and she is Mason's older sister.

Isla: Hi

Jared: So she is the sweetest and we want to get to know you more and the viewers probably want to get to know you more so, the first question is how old are you?

Isla: I'm 13.

Jared: Ok, why were you separated?

Mason: So I was supposed to pick up by our dad and he could only take care of one and he was going to get me.

Isla: Yeah so he was taken away and then we have an older brother and we were together for a while and then he was moved to another foster home and I still have contact with him, he called me right before you picked me up.

Jared: So you guys have an older brother.

Isla: Yeah he is 2 years older than me and 3 years older than Mason.

Jared: So the next question is are you, full siblings?

Isla: yea all 3 of us are full siblings. Our older brother and I look really alike.

Mason: Yea I remember when we used to be together all of us were always together and we played together.

Jared: how long has it been since you have seen each other.

Isla: 7 years. I was 6 and he was 5 when we were split up. and our older brother was 8 when i last saw him in person.

Jared: So Mason, we have another surprise for you since Isla and you have been separated for so long we have been talking to her caseworker and they have agreed to let us foster her and she is gonna live with us now. And then we are going to try finding your older brother.

Isla and Mason: Really!

Jared: Yup.

Isla and Mason both started crying because they haven't seen their older brother for so long and they couldn't wait until we found him.

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