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A few months later.

Isla's P.O.V

It's been a few months since Mason and I have reunited and it's been amazing, I've slowly come out of my shell and we have talked to our older brother and he is doing good but I have Shelly and Jared's phone number so they could hopefully get him here with us because we haven't seen him in so long.

We were doing some homework while Jared and Shelly did some housework.

My phone started ringing and Jared and Shelly had the camera out and it was my brother, and it was facetime so I answered it and called over Mason so he could see him.

Liam: Hey Mae, how are you?

Isla Mae: Hi Liam, I'm good. I miss you

Liam: I miss you too, where's Mason?

Mason: Here

As he came into the frame and waved at him.

Liam: Hey Mase.

Mason: Hi, we wish you were here with us.

Isla Mae: We miss you.

Liam: I miss you both so much but I don't know when I will be able to stay with you but maybe we could visit soon.

I looked at Shelly and Jared with hope in my eyes hoping that we could see our brother soon.

Shelly: Hopefully soon honey.

I started crying because I just wanted my brothers together and I'm grateful that I have Mason with me and a wonderful family but I just want my older brother to hold me as he used to after my parents would fight or hurt me physically and mentally.

Liam: Mae it's okay, don't cry. We will be together soon. Mae, it's okay. You know I love you right?

I nod and then gave Mason my phone and ran to my room and locked the door. All my siblings came and knocked on my door trying to get me out of my room but nothing worked I wanted my big brother to come and hold me.

I cried for a while and then I heard another knock on my door and then my phone slid under the door and then I heard my older brother's voice.

Liam: Mae, pick the phone up off the floor.

I got off my bed and picked up the phone and my eyes were red and puffy.

Liam: Mae, I love you and you know that. We have been waiting for the moment that we were together again, we have to wait just a little longer.

Isla Mae: I know, I just want you to hold me again just like you did when we were younger.

Liam: I know Mae. but we will see each other soon hopefully.

Isla Mae: I just miss you, I just want you here.

Liam: I know, but if you keep going you don't have to wait as long the time will fly by. I love you

Isla Mae: I know I love you too.

We kept talking for a bit and then it was time for dinner, so we said our goodbyes and then I unlocked my door and left my phone on my bed and went to the kitchen to get some food they made my favourite, chicken alfredo, I thanked him and then started eating alone. I just didn't want to talk to anyone, I just wanted my older brother.

Addison, Aubrey, Harlan, and Jacob saw me eating alone so they came and sat with me and smiled at me and I gave them a small smile and just continued eating.

Shelly's P.O.V

It's been a few months since Mason and Isla have reunited and it's been amazing. She has opened up to us and we love having her in our family. Lately, she has been quiet but I think it's because she misses her older brother. I had the camera out and started vlogging and then Isla's phone started ringing and we saw it was her older brother Liam.

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