Imagine getting caught

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What a marvelous day it was... yet I was sitting inside of my barely lit room, masturbating as my desktop fan blew against the wall, circulating the air. My room was pretty cool. There were a variety of band posters and shelves hanging on my walls, some of the shelves holding possessions such as figurines, jewelry, and other utensils. Besides that, my hand was caked in liquid. I couldn't get enough of the mind-numbing sensation. My sheets rested at my ankles as I viciously massaged my private area. My legs were spread and my right hand was inside of my undergarments.

As I continued to play with myself, I heard subtle footsteps. The current feeling of my hand abusing my privates tuned out the noise that was progressively becoming more audible. Then, out of no where, my door was creaking open, a crimson eye glared. Oh SHIT!

"Pomegranate wants to kn- what are you doing?" I yelped at his sudden presence.

"AGH! What! Don't you know how to KNOCK?!" I quickly covered myself with my robe, blushing furiously from the embarrassment of being caught in the act.

He stepped inside, closing the door behind him. Walking up to me sitting in the middle of my bed, he gazed into my eyes, our faces a few feet apart.

"Wh- get out!"

Every single one of my thoughts vanished in his current presence. My mind went numb as his rough fingers made contact with my chin, forcing me to look up at him. I let out a choked gasp, my lips quivering and my gaze met with his. The intimacy of the moment, his face inching closer towards mine as his hand rests upon my jaw, the tingling sensation between my legs increased.

"Were you touching yourself?"

I shivered, breaking eye contact as I felt the blood rush to my cheeks again. As I wasn't able to gather my sentences or thoughts, he stands up. Dark Choco walks to my door and locks it, walking back to me. That's when I noticed the progressive moisture between my legs that seeped through my robe, my privates quaking.

I quickly crossed my legs, attempting to shield the soaked area from his gaze. He just stared at me with that one visible eye as my arousal increased incredibly.

He took off his armor, setting it on the floor ride beside my bed and my scythe. The taller male pushes me backwards, towering over me. My hands were pinned down as his large figure shadowed over me. I gasped as I was too focused on his presence upon me. My body trembled beneath his strength, not having the energy to resist. He was on my bed. On top of me. Am I dreaming again?

He leaned down, our faces inching together. Slowly making contact, his lips brushed against mine. He lowered himself more, our lips connecting as I felt his lower body enter contact with mine. My eyes shot wide open, not too later they closed after he deepened the kiss. His tongue prodded against my bottom lip, asking for entrance. As for that, his tongue slipped into my mouth, the two muscles colliding and wrestling. I was so unbelievably turned on, words couldn't describe how blissful I was.

It was all too real and too much to take in. His hands freed mine, lowering to my waist and slowly lifting up my cloak. His right hand traveled up my torso, slowly caressing the stiff nipples my flat breasts possessed. He broke the kiss as his lips traveled down to my neck, lightly nipping and sucking at the soft surface. I was in a state of awe and lust, my consciousness hazy.

"Wh-What are you- d-doing...?" Those words managed to slip out of my mouth. His thick and rough textured fingers pinched and prodded at my nipples, making a weird sensation flow throughout my body.

"Don't play dumb. I know you've been wanting this... I see the way you look at me when your hand is under the table." He whispered into my neck, moving down towards my collarbone.

Dark Choco X Licorice Cookie SmutWhere stories live. Discover now