Chapter Eight: "The Return Home"

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Saurfang sat in his private quarters, peering over maps with his weary eyes, he traced over the paper with his calloused finger. He gave a low hum in the back of his throat, growling under his breath as his mind worked it over and over again. Toza was right, the Alliance and Horde needed to unify if they had even so much as a prayer against the Legion.

Saurfang gave a deep huff as he rolled up the map and set it aside, leaning back in his seat, gazing up at the stone roof over his head. His amber eyes began to lull shut as the tempting lull of an afternoon nap slowly pulled at his weary muscles. The threat of the legion and all the battle planning had created many long and arduous nights of planning, yelling, drawing up battle plans, more yelling, and very little sleep.

Perhaps a nap would be a good idea, refresh him. Give him a little bit of energy for the last haul through the day.

"Lord Saurfang!!

Who needs sleep anyways?

With a groan, Saurfang stood up from his desk and walked over to the door, and pulled it open. Before him stood a Tauren, a grim look on his face, "Sorry to bother you, Sir. But General Vicefang has returned!"

Varok blinked, "Are they well? Any casualties?"

"No, Sir." The Tauren replied, "But Vicefang sustained some mine--Ooof!" he grunted in surprise as Saurfang urgently brushed past him and made his way down the hall.

"OW! SON OF A-!" Toza leaned away from the troll that was trying to heal her.

It was a female darkspear, she glared at the she-orc, a salve in her hand, "General, ya need ta hold still! Dis will help stop da bleeding!" She looked about ready to deck Toza in the head.

Toza snarled, but relented and sat quietly, "Use a needle and thread to just sew it up, it's easier." she said.

"Don'cha go an' be tellin' da healer what ta do, mon!" The troll snapped at her. Seriously considering decking her on the head now, she hunched her shoulders and went back to work. Toza sat in silence before her ears perked up upon hearing heavy footfalls approaching.

"And here comes Vol'jin and Varok in three . . . two . . . one . . . " as Toza got to one, the door opened and Saurfang walked in with Vol'Jin in tow. The healer bowed respectfully to the two powerful members of the Horde before she went back to work. Saurfang looked Toza over and he was slightly concerned. She was dressed in just her blouse and trousers, she already had bandages winding up one arm and a massive, very deep-looking puncture wound in her shoulder.

Toza looked at them both, "I promise you, I'm fine."

"You are not fine!" The healer barked, "Tha' head o' dat crossbow bolt still be in ya!" she snapped.

"As you predicted, we were ambushed but I handled it." Toza said, "It was a small skirmish, wasn't even that honorable." she waved her meaty hand dismissively.

Varok regarded her, without her armor, he could see the roping muscles across her forearms up to her shoulders, her body filled out the tunic she wore with her body mass alone. She was built solidly, with wide, strong shoulders and matching hips and torso.

"Anyone else be hurt?" Vol'jin asked her.

Toza glanced at him with those forest green eyes, "A few minor cuts and scrapes but no serious wounded or fatalities, Warcheif."

"An' the attacking party?" He asked expectantly.

"The only thing we left living were some of their mounts." Toza replied before she inhaled sharply through her teeth as the troll healer--using some form of wooden tweezer-like tool--stuck it into the hole in her shoulder and removed the arrowhead. Roza cursed in orcish as she cringed away from the pain.

The arrowhead slid free from her tan flesh with a wet popping sound. The troll gave a disappointed tisk, "De Alliance be gettin' smarter wit' der weapons. Dis arrow got barbs on it." she then threw the arrowhead in a wastebin.

Toza looked at them both, "I'll be fine." she seemed to read their expressions, "I've suffered far worse, you both know that."

It wasn't until the afternoon that Toza was let go from the medical wing of the keep, and she sighed as she made her way to her private room. Once the door closed behind her, the female orc walked over to her desk and took up a stack of papers, and flipped through them. She had not bothered to put her armor back on, she had just planned on doing paperwork for the rest of the day. Her many piercings clinked as she moved across her small space. She sat down on her cot before she stretched out and lay on her back, sighing pleasantly as her aching muscles sink into the cheaply made mattress.

She propped herself up on the pillows and lazily flipped through the papers, humming to herself as she did so. Her shoulders ached from her battle, and the wound throbbed from the crossbow arrow. She reached up and rubbed her shoulder absentmindedly as her eyes lidded. She reached up and rubbed her neck as she thumbed through her reports.

Toza's eyes lidded more, feeling sleep edge at her weary body. Just as she began to doze off, a sharp knock came to the door, and she jerked awake with an undignified snort.

"Who is it?" She asked, sitting up more as she rubbed her wounded shoulder, debating on taking the effort to stand up and walk to the door.

"It's Saurfang." Came a voice from the other side of the door.

Toza gave a huff as she pushed herself up and shuffled to the heavy door and opened it, casting her weary gaze upon the aged orc before her, and she herself felt her expression soften as she stared at him, "Is there something you need, Saurfang?" Her voice far more tender than she expected.

Saurfang spoke, "Did you eat something?" He asked, "I didn't see you at the dining hall." He said skeptically.

Toza blinked as she stared at him, arching a brow, "Oh . . ." She blinked, "suppose I didn't did I?" She rubbed her cheek, feeling over the faint scars on her cheek.

Saurfang chuckled low in his throat as he stared at her, "Tired already, General?" A teasing hint was evident in his voice.

"Don't patronize me, Varok, I'm old." She huffed as she rolled her eyes.

Varok looked her over, she had some bags under her deep green eyes, and the late afternoon light that glanced through the window highlighted the silver streaks in her jet black hair. Toza wore her age well, her rough features enhanced with fine wrinkles and scars while her hair, styles in tight braids and wild locks, gave her that warrior's silhouette.

"You should eat something." He said to her.

"I have some dried meat stored in here," she motioned back to the interior of the room, "I'll eat later." She muttered.

Varok quirked up a brow in concern, before he sighed, "Suit yourself, General." he turned on his heel and left.

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