Chapter sixteen "Regrets of Orcs "

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Third Person's POV~

The sun was high overhead as Toza bent low to pick up an axe and move it to the grindstone. Sparks began to fly as she worked, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment as a cool breeze kicked up over the mountains and tousled her black hair. The sun beat down upon her bare back as she worked, worn hands doing an all-too familiar task.

Not too far away, a large male orc was crouched in the course grass, kneeling. The orc had almost red skin, dark black tattoos winding up each arm, with scars lacing across his chest and abdomen. Toza stopped her task and looked up, a smile pulling across her lips as she watched her mate. He was hulking, with a pierced septum, pierced ears and a bone neckless.

Without his armor, Toza could see the body that could slay hundreds.

Though, he didn't look so imposing anymore.

He was beaming. Laughing. Smiling from ear to ear as he guided the young orc girl who was holding a fake sword made of wood. His massive hands--hands Toza had seen crush the skulls of humans--gently guided the child's form, instructing her on the proper stance and where the strength would come from.

Toza held back a laugh as she watched the father whoop excitedly as the child struck down, showing perfect form.

Toza set the axe down and moved around the grindstone, her bare feet padding across packed dirt and sparse grass. The orc girl looked over and smiled, revealing little nubby tusks. She was strong, with a shock of black hair pulled back into a braid, adorned with beads. She had Toza's green eyes, but her father's reddish skin.

"Mother!" The child cried excitedly, "Did you see?! Father taught me how to use the sword!"

Toza smiled, her hands on her hips, "I did. You shall be a warrior in no time, Rogemesh."

The male turned and his golden eyes softened at the sight. His mate stood strong, her skin illuminated by the sun. Breasts bound in linen and a tie on skirt that exposed her swollen belly. He rose to his full height and approached his mate, large hands coming up to cradle her face.

"You are teaching her well, Damos." Toza whispered to him, snorting through her nostrils.

Damos smiled at his mate before he looked down at her belly, "How's the child?"

"It grows." she said as rubbed the bump, "He should be here come first signs of winter."

Damos blinked, and turned his gaze back up to his mate, "He?"

Toza smiled, "I spoke with the mystics. Our second child is a boy."

"A son." Damos pressed his forehead to hers, his hands resting on her stomach, feeling the child kick within. His eyes met hers, "I love you, wife."

Toza touched his cheek, smiling as Rogemesh cuddled up to her side, holding her skirt. Toza bent low and scooped up her daughter, then leaned in and pecked her husband on the cheek,

"I love you-"


Toza sat up with a start, her linen tunic soaked in sweat, as her green eyes darted around the space. Desperate to see the red orc sitting at her bed side with her daughter perched on his knee.

She was met with nothing but silence.

A week had dragged by, and Toza was all but improved. She still had weakness and fatigue, but she hid it well, and no one questioned her. At night, the scar burned like acid sometimes, and dreams about her life plagued her almost non-stop. The female orc pulled her knees to her chest and rested her forehead on them as tears dripped down her cheeks. Her arms encircled her own abdomen, scraping over a u-shaped scar beneath her belly button where mystics had to cut her son out of her womb.

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