Nineteen: Relics of the Titans

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Third Person's POV~

Toza was quick to unpack her bags, and freshen up to the best of her ability before she left her quarters to meet with Vol'jin and the other ranking members of the Horde. She took her time getting to the war room, however. Taking a moment to enjoy the sights around her, the smells and the sounds of life. It was different than Northrend, there was always noise, always motion. In the cold, frigidness, the endless hours spent in silence were a torture chamber. The snow and ice created a soundproof landscape where the only thing Toza could hear was her own breath and her iron-toed boots crunching across the tundra. The walk to the war room felt like an eternity. Toza's feet felt like they were encased in blocks of lead--impossibly heavy. The world felt distant--like everything was an incomprehensible distance away.

Out of reach.

And yet still, Toza walked on.

As the tall female orc pushed the doors to the war room open, she was bathed in the warmth of torchlight. Sunlight glanced though the windows, creating a dynamic pattern of shadows across the wood floor. Vol'jin sat upon his throne, his eyes lighting up upon seeing Toza enter the room.

"Ah. General." Vol'jin leaned forward, bracing an arm over his knee, "Come, sit, you've had a long journey." he gestured to the table.

Sitting at the table were Saurfang, Thrall, Baine, Nathanos, Sylvannas and Gallywix. Toza snorted, her tusks clacking together, her golden piercings flashing in the torchlight as she pulled out one of the wooden chairs and sat down in it. Her armor settled upon her frame, the metal creaking and groaning as the she-orc settled in her chair, her green eyes scanning the room.

"How was the travel?" Vol'jin asked, cocking his head, his golden eyes burning.

"Good." Toza said as a goblin entered the room, carrying a tray of drinks. Toza grabbed one as the goblin shuffled by, and took a swig--it was a cool mead, sweet on her tongue and refreshing, "No problems. No Alliance hostility."

"And the Lion Cub?" Sylvanas asked.

"He was cooperative, if that's what you're wondering." Toza said as she set her cup down, "He's willing to spare the man power we will need."

"How did you manage to do that?" Thrall asked, taking a sip of his own drink.

Toza's jungle green eyes flashed to the Frostwolf orc, and she huffed softly, "Call it a skill, Thrall." she turned her gaze to Vol'jin, "We agreed that each party selected for each Pillar would meet up at the designated location--join ranks--then proceed forward."

"Smart." Baine commented, "Alliance and Horde would not have to travel together--minimize the chances of infighting during transport."

"What does Khadgar say?" Toza asked Vol'jin, letting out a snort, "These . . . Pillars of Creation--does he have more information on them?"

Vol'jin stroked his beard before he spoke, his voice a low rumble, "Artifacts of the Titans, gifted to da Titan-forged Keepers." He began, "Used to seal away da Legion the first time. . . afterwords, scattered across da Broken Isles." Vol'jin sighed heavily, "We know there are five relics--each one an embodiment of its Titan creator. The Aegis of Aggramar, The Eye of Aman'Thul, Tears of Elune, da Tidestone of Golganneth and lastly, da Hammer of Khaz'goroth."

Toza was well-aware of the titans, who they were and what they represented. Each one the embodiment of a keystone element that helped shape the world upon which they walk. Toza took another swig of her mead, before she set the cup down, and spoke, "And have we discerned where they are located?" she asked, "We cannot dispatch teams without a location."

"I be gettin' to that, General." Vol'jin then slid a map across the table, Toza pulled it close and examined it, there were marks on the map, large circles over specific locations.

"Dem marks show where the pillars were last seen." Vol'jin said, "Khadgar checked 'himself."

Stormheim, Azsuna, Suramar, Highmountain, and Val'sharah. Toza sighed heavily, rubbing her face with her hand. None of these territories were easy to get into, much less the races who lived there were either at odds with the Alliance, Horde, both or each other.

"Suppose it was too much to ask of fate to have the Pillars be in some nice green field in neutral territory." Toza commented sarcastically as she stared at the map, her thumb reaching up and gently flicking her septum piercing absentmindedly.

Saurfang gave a faint snort of amusement, watching the she-orc as she looked over the map with calculating green eyes, before they flickered up, "Have we assembled the teams?" she asked.

"I have some names in mind." Thrall cut in, "And now that the locations of the Pillars have been revealed, we can make necessary modifications to avoid . . ." he stopped for a beat, "Political tension."

Toza sighed as she rubbed the spot between her eyes, feeling another headache coming on, she then cast a look across the table and her eyes met Varok's. She paused, as he held her gaze for a beat, his face gentle, communicating so much with just one look. A gentle nudge. An assurance that she was doing well. Toza's hand clenched briefly, before her eyes lowered, and she dipped her head, ever so slightly, communicating that his intentions were received--and appreciated.

She spoke, finally, staring at the map, "Va'sharah is going to be a problem-- it is sacred land to the Night Elves." She ground, "I know of a lot of ancient druidic circles that are very protective of their forests."

"Perhaps Baine would be an ideal candidate." Sylvanas' voice cut through the air like a knife.

Baine dipped his head, letting out a snort of agreement, "I agree with Sylvannas."

Vol'jin hummed and nodded, rubbing his beard thoughtfully, before he spoke, his voice carrying in the war room, "But dere is also Suramar-- 'nother Night Elf stronghold."

Toza snorted. Tyrande was not a woman she felt like dealing with, but as she scanned the table--taking in the candidates, and thinking over her other options, the female orc's shoulders sagged with the realization of it all.

She was the ideal candidate-- she was calculating, cool-tempered and she had already proven to Anduin that she was reasonable to speak to.

"I'll go to Suramar." Toza said, "I'll take a small party, nothing large, nothing threatening. Thrall should go to Highmountain." Toza jabbed a thumb at the frost wolf orc.

Vol'jin titled his head, "General, are you certain? Tyrande is-"

"I will handle Tyrande." Toza replied evenly, "Who else would you send? The Banshee?" she gestured to Sylvannas, "You think Tyrande would be willing to discuss the relics of the past with her?"

Toza blatantly ignored the searing glare Sylvanas gave her.

Baine glanced at Vol'jin, "She makes a point, Warchief."

Vol'jin seemed to relent, as his golden eyes met Toza's, "Very well, General, ya be goin' to Suramar." 

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