chapter 11

522 7 1

The second day of training had arrived with the sounds of kyo banging pans together

(Like this)

Issei - for the love of Satan man can you stop

Kyo - no get your asses down here

Akeno - so rough so early in the morning.... I love it

Kyo - okay note to self get pepper spray

Akeno - like that will stop me

Rias - down girl

Akeno - aw but he was getting flustered

Kyo - not really, anyways *in a seargent voice* today you maggots will be participating in strength and endurance training

Kyo then proceeds to pull out different sets of weights for everyone

Kyo - *seargent* these weights are set to increase in weight when you are comfortable with the previous setting

Kiba - but how will this help us

Kyo - *Sargeant* once everyone has their weights on you all will run 20 laps from the house to the beginning of the path and back again

Issei - that's worse than doing suicides

Kyo - *drops Sargeant* you know whats worse than these
Your master and the other girls of your peerage becoming risers sex slaves

Issei - fair point but still

Kyo - after these laps you will all do twenty laps in the lake

Issei - wait a lake that means swimsuits, swimsuits equal boobs, boobs plus water equals soppy fun time

Kyo - *mockingly* yeah issei and here if you come back first from doing laps I'll let you choose the swimsuits for two of the girls

Hearing this issei grabs his weights puts them on his wrists and legs and takes off on his merry way

Kyo - hahahahahahaha he is so easy to motivate hahahaha

Rias - you weren't serious were you

Kyo - oh is the stripper suddenly scared to show her skin to men when they don't have money

Rias then panics and grabs her weights and takes off in order to not have to be embarrassed by issei

Kyo - alright everyone else grab your shit and get to running I'll be here with a cooler full of water for when your done

The group then takes off and kyo goes inside to read his manga until he gets a call from akashi


Kyo - 'ello kyo speaking

Akashi - hey kyo me and the girls are back from visiting our family and the door is locked where is the key

Kyo - in the empty bird feeder

Akashi - ok thanks, where are you by the way

Kyo - oh you know on a retreat with the orc, sona wanted someone to supervise them

Akashi - ok any Idea when you'll be back

Kyo - in about 8 days tops

Akashi - ok don't worry we'll take care of kuroka for you

Kyo - alright thanks, by the way I found a manga I think would be good for the club

Akashi - oh really which one

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