Chapter 17 - I'm Sorry

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Song Recommendation - If Only (Dove Cameron in Descendants)

I need to apologize.

George needed some confidence, so he turned to clothing. That'd always been how he expressed himself. 

He had woken up at 12:54, and couldn't get back to sleep. He laid in bed before finally getting up to rummage through his closet in hopes of finding something half-decent to wear.

George found a light blue crop top, his favorite 404 signal design on the chest, and a dark blue pleated skirt that fell just above his knees. He pulled both out of his messy drawer, and a different hoodie also flopped out, falling pathetically on the floor.

Same, he thought. Same.

He picked it up by the sleeve and was met with a bright yellow smiling face staring back at him.

He stared at it longingly for a moment, before folding it haphazardly and stuffed it into the front pocket of his backpack.

He began getting dressed and as he did so, Karl woke up and stretched, yawning loudly.

"Morning, asshat," George grumbled.

Karl clicked his tongue. "Morning to you, too," he said, putting his hand down, expecting there to be bed there. There was not. He tumbled out of bed, yanking the sheets and blankets with him.

"Graceful," George said, biting back a laugh.

"Hey, what if I hit my head on the bedside table?"

"You'd die," George deadpanned, slipping on the skirt.


"Bro, you fucked Sap and left me outside to cry in the hall! At least three people walked by and stared me down, including Sapnap himself!"

Karl blinked. "Did you just say 'bro?' That does not sound right with your..." Karl gestured to George with a circular hand motion. "Anything. You're too British for our American slang."

George laughed, but rolled his eyes to show his annoyance.

Karl stood up and walked over to George, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Why were you crying?"

"I just... don't want to have this crush on Dream." George couldn't tell him everything. He didn't want to start crying again.

Karl nodded and let his hand fall back to his side to allow George to pull on his shirt. "I get it. It's hard to have a crush on someone who you think would never even consider you. But hear me out, just talk to him. Everything is better when you talk to them. Look at me and Sap! You're a great guy George, and if Dream can't see that, that's his loss."

"Thanks Karl," George turned around, but immediately spun around again, squeezing his eyes shut and clamping a hand over his face. "Jesus Christ, if you're going to be insightful for three seconds, at least put on some goddamn clothes!"

Karl looked down and almost screamed. "Shit!"

Afterwards, they both laughed about it hysterically.

Maybe, just maybe, Karl was right. Maybe I should tell him. After all, George had done it once before. There's nothing for me to lose.


George got to the lecture just as the class before his got out. He took his seat in the empty lecture hall, waiting and seeing his classmates trickle in.

He sat for a while, and began to lose hope.

Maybe he's still mad at me. I really fucked it up this time.

The last person to walk in, however, was the tall, handsome blonde himself.

Immediately, he spun his head to face the front. Shit. What was he going to say? He hadn't thought this through, had he? What was he going to do? What was there to do? What could he-


George looked up like he had just seen his puppy get shot. His eyes were wide and he looked so stressed it seemed he was about to cry at any second.

"Oh, hi Dream."

The tall blonde motioned to the brunette's knees. "Sorry, can I get through?"

"Oh! Yes, sorry, I uh, yep." George stood up clumsily and stumbled over his own bag.

How do I go about this? George glanced over at Dream.

Professor Phil began speaking, but George couldn't listen. He was going over what he'd say in his head, trying not to sound like a complete idiot, but also conveying how sorry he was.

This is gonna be a shit show.


George had to get out of the row, so he could speak freely without being in the way. After he stepped out, he mentally prepared himself for Dream to completely disregard him, walk away, not care at all.

But when George turned around, the blonde was still there. George sucked in a breath.

"I'm sorry," they both said.

"Jinx!" A boy yelled at them nearby. "You owe each other a coke!"

They both stared at him.

Dream turned to George, the ghost of a mischievous grin resting on this face. "You want a coke?"

George giggled, and cracked a small, pure smile. "Sure."



Not them waking up at the same time like goddamn soulmates

Any who, this chapter was going to be a lot longer, but I'll put that in the next chapter

Also, I started working on it on fucking THURSDAY (sorry I didn't finish earlier) due to my friend's 'enthusiasm' lmao

I can't insert a goddamn picture but oh well

That same friend also gave me this chapter's song recommendation so huge thanks to her!

Pls spread this around & vote! Tysm for reading and expect a good chapter sometime this weekkk!!


(894 words)

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