Chapter 24 - It's Not What It Looks Like

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Song Recommendation - Teeth (5 Seconds Of Summer) it actually goes pretty well with the chapter, so I mean... listen to it.

TW- sexual assault/harassment



George dropped his bag and sat down in a chair facing Dream. "So, um, can we change the story?"

Dream's head snapped up from the notepad where he was writing. "What? Why? Are you sure?"

George chuckled nervously. "Well, I have an idea."

"Okay, let's hear it."

"Every other chapter could be... a different perspective. It's still a book about a rivalry turned friendship between two people, like we were planning."

"So every other chapter is one character's point of view? And then it changes to the second character for the other ones?"

"You know what I'm trying to say better than I do."

Dream smiled with the corner of his mouth, and sat down. He reached for his laptop. George flopped out of his chair and onto the floor, crossing his arms and putting his elbows on each of Dream's knees. The blonde looked down, and was greeted by a quick peck on the lips.


"Sorry, I know I should've asked, but-"

Dream lifted George's chin and placed another kiss on his soft lips, this one lasting longer.

They pulled away after six seconds, but didn't break eye contact. After a moment of staring and breathing softly, George stood up and connected their lips again, only being interrupted by George's intermittent movement, climbing onto his lap as Dream's hands found their way around George's waist and under his thighs, supporting him as he carefully straddled the blonde as to not fall and hurt one of them. After he stabled himself, George cradled the blonde's head in his hands.

"Dream," he breathed, his exhalation coming out in a huff.

Dream kept his hands firmly pressed against George's thighs. "Mmm."

He didn't have to say anything. Dream knew what he wanted.

They didn't get much work done.


Three hours later, Dream was typing and George was packing his bag silently.

Dream felt like he had to say something. He racked his brain, and the best he could think of was-

"Are you going to the party tonight?"

"Hm?" George glanced up.

"Yeah, the Alpha Tau Omega frat's having a party for Halloween," Dream said fast. "I don't know why they're having one on a school night, but I think it'll be fun. You can come in costume almost everyone will, I'm pretty sure, I know it's short notice but-"He felt himself rambling, so he just said, "You don't have to."

"No, I want to!" George said, a little too fast. "I mean, I'd love to."

Dream smiled. "Great."

"Oh, and to answer your question," George said. "Today is Sunday, Halloween, and the school doesn't have classes tomorrow because they know the students are going to drink regardless of what they say." George gestured between him and the tall blonde. "Case and point."

"Wow, I'm hurt. Who said I'd drink?" Dream placed a hand on his heart.

George crossed his arms and leaned against the desk. "Wild guess."

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