fate is with you

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The only thing to be seen was the red falling up on the open wounds on her skinny arms.
She felt as though the world wasn't made for her anymore, that heaven or hell was more suited out for her presence.
"Breathe for me.... BREATHE FOR ME"
screamed a far farmiliar voice that she hadn't heard in many months.
"Come on please, stay with me please.... I need you, I want you, please"
Reaching with bits of air she was able to speak...
"Yes, yes my love its me, Rain it's me... Please stay with me, can you do that for me?"
Struggling to keep her eyes open she replied,
"I think so"
The cuts were far deep
"I'm rapping your wounds until we can get to a hospital in the morning... It's gonna hurt, stay calm for me love I can't lose you"
Rain let out the most real smile she could force her mouth into, the pain overtook her but she was happy.
"You..your here. I-I thought you were gone forever a-and your here now?"
"Rain I'm never leaving you, I left for a short while because you weren't safe with me.... But I took care of it and I came back to you like I always said I would... Remember?"
The blood had slowed and the color had been fighting to regain of Rain's limp body, the pain had still been tremendous but she didn't care. She had Arlow back, Arlow Windslow.
"You have my heart Rain Blackwood. You really do...But...But you can't do that again, you can't leave now"
"It was too hard to be in this world without you Arlow. I was falling apart being alone"
"I was too"
Now in Arlows arms, Rain said between breaths.
"I love you Arlow Windslow, I really do"
Looking down at the frail girl on his lap Arlo replied.
"For now I will say that I love you too Rain Blackwood, but one day I will say that I love you too Rain Windslow."

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