Chapter 3 - Melody.

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She down the street of her neighborhood, her music playing through her headphones. She looked at the houses as she walked past them. It was a nice little neighborhood, she had been there for almost her whole life. She quietly sang the lyrics to the song she was listening too when she accidentally bumped into someone.

"Shit- I'm sorr-" She froze when she saw who it was. "Its okay-" Nene paused. "You alright? You look like you're in like, 100 degree weather or something." Nene said, commenting about her face being red as hell. "Uhm, uh, I-I'm fine." She said, internally panicking.

"Oh alright! What's ya name anyways." Nene asked her. "Oh, I'm Cassandra." She responded. "Oh that's a cool name. I'm Nene, nice to meet ya." Nene smiled. "Nice to meet you too." Cassandra said. They proceeded to talk the rest of the walk to school.

"What class do you have first?" Nene asked her. "I have math first." She looked down at her phone, closing out all the apps and putting it in her pocket. "Oh, same! We should probably head there now, as much as I hate it I still don't want to get in trouble with my mom." She paused.

"She's been through a lot." Nene went quiet for a second, then went back to her cheerful look. "Anyways I'll meet ya there Cass!" Nene called to her as she ran over to her friends. Huh. Guess she's not just bubbles and joy. I like that. Wait did she just give me a nickname-


She walked over to her friends after her "small" chat with Cassandra. "Oh, hey Nene." Pico said to her as she walked up to them. "Hey guys!" She said happily. "You seem more happy then usual today, you get to burn something on your way here?" Darnell said jokingly. She laughed then said, "No, just a friendly chat with a new friend." She responded. "Anyways class time I guess. Let's go." She said, walking with her friends.

~ Time Skip ~

She leaned on the pillar outside of the school, waiting for Cassandra. She didn't appear for a while and she started to panic. What if she already left? What if she's already ahead- Oh, nevermind. "Hey Cass!" She said as she ran up to Cassandra. "Oh, hey Nene." Cassandra said to her. Something was off about her. "I was hoping I could walk home with ya, if that's alright." "Sure." Cassandra responded. "Ya know, you don't really talk much around other people. Ya mainly talk the most when ya with ya friends. Why's that?" She asked Cassandra, it was a question she'd been thinking about since she had actually talked to her. "Meh, I don't trust other people other then my friends, especially people who are friends with Pico." Cassandra paused for a second then said, "besides you, you seem pretty cool." "Nice save." She laughed. "Oh, were here, well I'm here. Anyways Cass where do you live? Maybe we could hang out sometime." She said smiling. "Oh, I actually live right there." Cass said, pointing to the house next to hers. "Oh! Cool! I guess we can hang out over the weekend then!" She said. "Okay, that sounds nice, how about Saturday?" "Alright! Cya Cass!" "Bye Nene." They both said goodbye walked to their houses.

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Woo! Finally some interaction between the two! As I've said before I'm trash at writing so sorry this is bad. Anyways bye!

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