13.3| Obsession of Vansh

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Please read the first 2 parts if you have forgotten.



Vansh's POV:-

It's freaking 15 days, I have brought her in the mansion. But nothing seems to change. It hurts to see her crying miserably. I don't want to do this with her but she makes do things I hate.

But not anymore, I will end this matter and make her mine forever.

I hear knocks on the door. "Come in" I ordered. Angre came in.

"Boss all the arrangements are done." He said and I smirked.

"Tell Mrs Smith to bring Riddhima down." I ordered him , he bowed and left.

"Today you have to accept me Riddhima. I won't let you be anybody's else." I said being determined.

End of Pov


Riddhima came down with Mrs. Smith. Vansh smiled seeing her lady love in beautiful pink floral dress, wavy hairs falling beautifully behind her back. The only thing which was missing was her beautiful smile. But no worries, he will make sure that she smiles like before.

"Babygirl, do you know why you are here ?" he asked lifting her chin. "No" she said.

"Bring him." He ordered.

Riddhima didn't look up. She kept looking down tired of all the dramas. Everything was at stake including her career,happiness, freedom and life of her friends and boyfriend.

"Ahhhh...leave me you bastards." Riddhima looked up hearing the voice. But she went numb when she saw her love of her life chained like a animal and is being brought here. His body was covered with bruises, his t shirt was teared and also had his blood patches on them.

"Choro usse." Riddhima ran towards him and hugged him. Immediately they left Kabir as it would hurt Riddhima.

Kabir wrapped her around his arms. She was sobbing on his embrace, so was he. They missed each other so much. She looked up and saw his face. He was beaten so badly. She cried more while Kabir wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

Blow landed on Kabir's face and he fell on the ground. Riddhima stumbles back and was about to fall but caught by Vansh.

"Dare you touch my girl." His voice reached octave.

"I am not yours." Riddhima screamed at him. Vansh turned at looked at her with bloodshot eyes, his jaws were clenching hard.

"You are not mine right ....okh fine. Don't be mine. But today Kabir has to die. You guys beat him till he die." He ordered his men.

"Noo" Riddhima shouted in horror. Vansh caught het tightly preventing her going near Kabir.

His men were beating him mercilessly. His painful screams were echoing his mansion. "No, No please no." She said seeing her love dying infront of her eyes.

"Vansh, please stop this. Please don't." She begged. Her heart was paining, the moment she was going through was suffocating, like someone was preventing her to breath.

"Marry me,if you want to see him alive." He said indicating them to stop." Vansh saidin her ears.

"I will but please stop this and take him to a doctor please, he needs treatment." She cried seeing him.

"You don't have to think about him, I won't kill him now as he has to see our marriage isn't. And Angre take this douchebag to the medical room." He ordered. "Riddhima you go and take rest." He said kissing her forehead.




In the Night,

Riddhima was looking at the sky and tears was flowing down her cheeks. Everything change in her life. She was powerless, defenseless and helpless. More than that she was feeling worthless.

She was constantly forced to agree to him. Was it too much to ask for freedom ? Was it too much if she wanted to choose her life partner ? The thought of getting married to him was killing her.

Her chest was paining. "Ahhhh..." she rubbed her chest with her palm to lessen it. Why only her ? Why can't she leave happily for once ? Why her happiness gets destroyed like this ? Just why ?

All her life was influenced by others because she was an orphan. When she thought that her life partner will be of her own's choice, it also got snatched.
Why can't nobody here understands that she loves Kabir ? Why everyone is supporting him and not her ? Why they are hell bent in destroying her life ?

"Ahhh...." she felt breathless. Clutching her chest tightly she started grasping for air. It was unbearable. The air in her was getting emptied. Blackness covered her eyes and she lied on the floor.




In the Morning

"Boss Ma'am is not opening the door." Mrs Smith said to Vansh. Vansh got up and ran to her room.

Opening the door with the spare key, he entered the door.

"Riddhima" he screamed seeinh Riddhima lying on the ground. He went to the her and as he touched her, his body went numb.

It was cold and stiff.

"Noo..no.." he cried and picked up her up and went to the medical room.



"Doctor please check her. Make her alright. I don't know what happened to her." Vansh panicked placing her on the bed and Doctor came and started checking her.

Kabir who was there, got up from the bed. "If anything happens to her, I won't leave you." Kabir said to Vansh.

"Shut up. nothing would happen to her." He cried.

"I'm sorry Mr. Raisinghania, she is no more. She was in severe depression and due to which she had a cardiac arrest." The doctor informed him.

Kabir was numb. Riddhima was no more. His love was no more. "No..no..this can't happen. She promised me." Kabir wiped his tears and went near Riddhima's dead body.

"Get up Riddhu..get up...you can't leave me like this. We just started the journey. Don't leave your Kabir like this. Don't." Kabir cries hugging her body.

Vansh was a statue hearing it. He was not able to believe that she was no more. She can't leave him. He tried holding Riddhima but Kabir harshly pushed him away.

"Don't, just don't. You killed her. You. Because of you she was in depression. Because of you she died. You murdered her. You murdered her dreams. You murdered my Riddhima." Kabir screamed angrily at him.

"Don't touch her. If you have this much shame and guilt then don't touch her with your filthy hands." He shouted and cried holding her.

Slowly Vansh went out of the room. He destroyed lives. Yes he did kill Riddhima. His Obsession killed her. The girl he promised to give his love, ended up killing her. He was the sole person responsible for everything.

Thud!! He sat on the floor and cried hard trying to get rid of this unbearable pain.

But Riddhima, she was no more. She left the world being the prey of Obsession. She died fighting for her freedom. And at last she got it in the name of death.



The End.

I hope you liked the last part.

Do tell me your views.

See you in the next update.

Till then,
Happy Reading ♥️

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