Who am I?

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Chapter 1
I have always been a heavy sleeper. Nothing could wake me up even my parents screaming at me that I should stop being so lazy. I slept through it all. Sleep is my only form of escape. From my parents, my feelings, and my thoughts. I noticed as I grew into my teenage years that I started to sleepwalk. Sometimes I would wake up in our garden, the bathroom, or the corner of my room. It didn’t bother me as I woke up, went to bed again and kept sleeping. Often, when I woke up, I would pay no mind to where I was. I was too tired to even recognize that I was awake. It started to become more and more regular. I even woke up up to six or more times a night. I noticed that I would sleep longer, more, and deeper. Slowly fully drifting away from reality.
One night however I woke up in the middle of the woods. It was dark and only the sheer light of the moon lit up the trees. I looked at the sky, it was so beautiful. The moon seemed familiar, like an enormous pearl, smooth and shiny like the ones my mother wore. As I slowly realized where I was, in these unfamiliar surroundings, I jumped up. The crunching of the leaves which laid on the forest floor startled me as I became more and more awake. I looked around to see a tree trunk a few feet ahead of me. Someone was sitting on it. A child- no a tiny woman dressed in white, her long blond hair shining like magical threat. Her figure haloed in a soft luminosity. Her pure white eyes stared at me. I felt a sense of safeness around her like she was a guardian. “Who are you?” I stuttered as her look frightened me. “My name is Morticia, I am what you may call god. I am you and I am also this forest. I am everything and nothing”. I looked at her in disbelief, but she just smiled timidly. “You can believe me darling, I would never lie to you” she chuckled. “This forest at night is a place of enchantment” she said with a welcoming look on her face. “You will need a spell if you want to get home safely”. Before I could react the leaves below me started to shake, the ground opened on five spots and out came different things. “These are my belongings” she explained. “You may choose the one you feel will bring you the most security”. She jumped off the brown tree trunk which was covered in moss. She slowly walked toward me as she whispered: “this rose quartz before you, my child, will make you seem utterly harmless and kind as long as you have it on your person at all times. No one would attack you out of fear or intimidation. However, this gives you no tactical advantage.” I glared at the magical pink stone that was hovering before me. “This one, the crimson rosary, will keep you sane and clear minded no matter what you witness. The things in this forest aren’t something for lighthearted people.” I observed the beaded threat with a cross hanging at the end of it tinted in a dark red color dangling before my eyes. “The poisoned dagger” she continued. “It can kill even gods and thoughts; however, it won’t do the killing by itself and if you were to be not careful enough you could end up being slaughtered by its venomousness”. The curved blade of the silver dagger gleamed in the moonlight. It had a curved scratch along its edge where a forest green liquid could be seen flowing through. “The golden veil you see right here will make you invisible to every eye. It does not however make you untouchable”. The fabric of the veil was sheer and beautiful, as I touched it, it felt soft and calming. “This opal necklace will make you be able to communicate with any being, be it animals, mythical creatures, or ghosts”. The beautiful necklace piqued my interest. I thought that maybe this will satisfy my curiosity and allow me to talk myself out of harm. After some more thinking I decided. I grabbed the opal necklace and pulled it over my head. “Thank you” I whispered softly. “You are very welcome. We will see if you made the right decision” she mumbled as she started to slowly disappear. As soon as the girl vanished, I noticed something laying on the tree trunk she sat on. I stumbled my way toward it, tripping over a large branch and injuring my foot. To my surprise I did not feel any kind of pain from it even though I clearly saw my blood dripping to the forest floor. I looked at the pastel blue dress which was perfectly folded on the trunk. Since my clothes were rather dirty, I decided to try the dress on. The dress was stunning, with its puffy layered sleeves made of grey silk sewed to the body of it. The fabric of the skirt hovered right above the ground and had a slit in it that went up to my thigh. A black belt was sewed into the fabric. It fit me so perfectly it was almost as if it was made just for me. I felt safe at the tree trunk, but I knew I had to find my way home, so I continued to walk through the forest, away from the clearing where I meat Morticia. I wondered if what she told me was the truth or if she was just another lesson brought into my life. A decision I had to make, like all the others whom I could barely remember the names of.
I walked in almost complete silence for some time only hearing the crickets and understanding their screams of help, begging me to release them from their pain. Screaming again and again, over and over. I couldn’t bare it anymore, so I took off the necklace and placed it on my belt. As I continued to walk, I was rather frightened when I came across a large ruin in front of my eyes. It looked like a kind of church that was very old. It was falling apart, and you could barely make out if it was even to be considered a building anymore. There was a lot of fog hovering around the building as if the forest wanted to tell me that it is not safe there. In the middle of the ruin, I saw a spider in a web. It wasn’t a normal spider. It was as big as a human and had a face of one too. Its face looked like I had seen it before, but I couldn’t remember where. I tried to turn back but the creature noticed me and started to scream. It was unbearable it sounded like the screeching voices of a thousand children. I couldn’t think clearly because of the numbing sound, but somehow, I managed to figure out what to do. I quickly grabbed the necklace that was tied to my belt and put it on. The screeching that the creature gave off wasn’t loud or numbing anymore. Instead, I heard the scratchy but beautiful voice of a woman. “What are you doing in my territory young one? You know that these woods are dangerous right? You seem like a smart girl. I would very much like to taste some of that brain of yours.” I was confused of why the spider had such a lovely and calming voice and I wondered about what that creature really is, but I snapped out of it quickly as I noticed her staring at me. “I am not scared of you, and you will never get to taste my brain” I yelled. “Are you sure about that little one?” she answered as she started to crawl towards me with rapid speed. Instinctively I screeched „Stop right there you monster! “„Monster? I am not a monster! How dare you call me that?” she said as she stopped walking, now standing just a few feet away from me. “Wait” I mumbled. “Are you wearing a mask?” “Why indeed my dear don’t you recognize your own face?” she laughed. That’s right. This is my face! It frightened me to see myself again. After all these years in which I avoided my reflection, however as I looked at my own face on another person’s body, I didn’t find it ugly or horrific anymore, rather I looked at it with joy and jealousy. Why couldn’t I be as pretty as her? It was then that I realized my real flaw. It wasn’t my Face my Figure or my imperfections. It solely was my perception. “Why?” I stuttered, barely being able to hold back my tears. “Why are you wearing my face? What are you hiding from?” The creature looked at me with a sad face. “I was human once too you know, happy and loving, without a care in the world.” She answered, surprising me. “I’m not a monster, I am a human just like you, but the people hurt me and turned me into a creature. A spider just looking for its next victim luring in the woods not being able to be calm or happy.” She looked rather sad as if she was trapped in her own memories. I didn’t understand what she was, but I had the feeling that she was dangerous. She got distracted as she zoned out, visibly thinking about her past so I took my chance and tried to turn away and walk off, however my inner self stopped me. I Turned around and looked the spider in the eyes. I was unsure at first, but I knew that the spider wasn’t my enemy. As she looked back at me, I saw the pain and the despair in her eyes. The loneliness of never belonging. I understood the creature. As I walked toward her, I asked: "What did they do to you? I see what you are trying to hide." With a surprised face the spider finally took of the mask to reveal her face covered in wounds and scars. she stared at me with a sad expression and said: "I always wanted to be one of them. So, I did what was necessary, but now I regret seeing my horrific look in the reflection of the pond. All I wanted was to be accepted." I understood her. I understood her so well that it hurt. Covering her face with anothers just as if it would be better this way. seeing her weep was painful to my soul. In this forest are the outcasts, the ones who don’t belong. With a smile I looked at her beautiful features. "Don’t be ashamed of your scars. They make you the one who you are.", I said, "It would be a shame to hide your beauty behind fake faces." With a surprised look she knew we were the same, as I pulled back my sleeves she stared at my arms bleeding and hurting. she could feel it. she could feel my pain just as I could feel hers. We were the same. The fog around us suddenly disappeared and she cut open her chest to reveal a rose. As I stared at her bleeding body, she handed it to me. with her scratchy voice she told me: " I never wanted to hurt you." I saw her face change into all the people that have brought me sadness. I felt a Tear run down my cheek and a smile form on my lips. “This will protect you” she said as she fainted and bled out right before my eyes, "Thank you." I whispered as I turned around and walked into the unknown. The forest, which would teach me great things as I wandered. suddenly I stopped. I looked at the rose she gave me and noticed that it was now glowing. It looked so beautiful even with its thorns. I understood. I understood that I was here for a reason.

To be continiued...

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