Who are you?

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Chapter 2
I have been walking for what feels like hours but somehow, I do not feel even a bit exhausted. I still have to think about the Spider and the secrets of the forest. Suddenly I’m interrupted with my thoughts as I hear a crunching sound behind me. I quickly turned around to see a dark orange animal sprint across my vision. I follow the animal with my eyes and notice that it is a fox, but as soon as I realized that the fox started to walk upright, his tail and ears disappeared, his fur vanished, and he turned into a young man. As he stood before me, I noticed that he was indeed very handsome. His face had strong features, very sharp blue eyes, tender lips, and strong brown brows. His wavy brownish hair shimmered in the moonlight. It almost looked like it had an orange tint, but despite his looks I had a sense of fear, a fear that I knew from somewhere, a fear I was so familiar with that I didn’t want to remember it. I did not trust this fox and it seemed like he knew that as he stared at me, eyes blank almost as if he was disappointed or angry at me. “Why hello there young lady” he purred. “What are you doing here at this late hour? You must know that this forest is a rather dangerous place” “I know that, I have already defeated lots of monsters and I plan on going home so please don’t bother me I have a long way” I Grumbled. “Why so angry? I’m just trying to help you. It’s not that I do not believe what you say is true, but I recommend you do not go any further at night since there are many creatures far more dangerous than the ones in this area”. He objected “how about you come to my place, we could drink tea until sunrise, and I could get you home safely as soon as the light is back” “I’m sorry I don’t think I would want a stranger to drink tea with and I do indeed not need you to protect me.” I chuckled “how about you come with me now instead and we drink tea at my house mister fox?” “Uhm I’m afraid that won’t be an option since I have to be at home tomorrow as my friend is visiting.” He stuttered, barely being able to find an excuse, I just smiled at him knowingly. “Well, that’s too bad then isn’t it Mr. fox” I laughed. But my laugh was quickly wiped from my face as I noticed his eyes turn black, his teeth turn sharp and creepy and him getting taller and taller. I knew that I was right not to trust him. He roared: “How about now young lady?” I was frightened. But I knew where I recognized this fear from now. I knew this fear from that man. The man who hurt me so deeply. The man I despised from the bottom of my heart. I couldn’t move, I just stood there silently staring at the humanoid creature right before my eyes. As he fletched his teeth, I finally gained back control of my body. I made a sharp turn and sprinted away like a gazelle running from a leopard. I ran through the rassling leaves of the trees, moving around them quickly in hopes of confusing the fox and him losing track of me. I jumped over rose bushes, and creeks just hoping that I would survive and make it home so I could finally sleep peacefully again and escape what lingers in these woods. I ran as fast as I could until I didn’t hear the fox anymore it seemed like I finally escaped the monstrosity that disguised itself as a man. I didn’t know if I really had escaped him or not and I was still scared he would jump out of the bushes to kill me but I didn’t have another choice then just trying to find my way home again.
I have not let my guard down since I ran away from the fox, but this changed after I arrived at a clearing where I found a moonlit pond. The water so still it might as well be a silver sheet. The ponds nymph materialized before my eyes and said: “we should play a game: ill run and if you manage to catch me, I will give you the pond in the form of a magic mirror.” The nymph is as benign as a nymph can be. I get pulled into my world of thoughts again. Should I accept this offer?

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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