Long time no see

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Requested by: @UrLocalStreamerDeku

Katsuki's pov: 


This dumbass argument has gone on long enough, Deku is pissing me off and I want him to shut up! 

"Deku can you fucking shut up! I'm sick of all this shit about you!" I shouted annoyed and feeling like I wanted to kill Izuku at that moment. 

"Kacchan.." Izuku was about to speak when I cut him off. 

"Just don't, don't touch me just don't do anything, I'm done." I said and pushed Izuku away as he tried to hug me. 

"I'm done with you too Kacchan.." Izuku said making me freeze as he walked out the room, leaving me to my thoughts and I could hear him sobbing as he walked off. 

~End of flashback~

Still Katsuki's pov: 

Finally, all of my fucking hero work is done a fucking week of peace sounds perfect right now. That was when an email saying that there was an UA class reunion organised by dunce face.

"C'mon Bakugo! It could be fun!" Shitty hair said full of positivity. 

"Yeah! I hear Midoriya is coming back from America too, you two can finally make up!" Pinky shouted with a squeal which made me even more reluctant to go to this bullshit party.

I hadn't seen Deku since graduation and honestly I don't think I'm ready to see him. However I still agreed to go to get shitty hair and pinky off my case. 


Why did I agree to this stupid fucking party? All I'm hearing out of these extras is how some of them have got into relationships and other boring shit I couldn't give two shits about but at least there's something to drink. I grabbed a drink and started idly talking to Jiro, for some reason me and her seem to get on. It's probably that we're both hopelessly single homosexuals. 

I finally encouraged her to talk to Momo as she'd been eying her all evening and I sort of see them as a good couple, leaving me by myself as I sighed softly, still trying to figure out why I was here. Then the lights dimmed and everyone looked to the small stage dunce face set up and he gave everyone a goofy grin, me being me I wanted to blast it off his face. 

"Gents and lovely ladies." He said with a wiggle of his eyebrows making everyone laugh a little. 

"May I welcome back to Japan! The one, the only number one hero! Deku!" He shouted and everyone's eyes either widened or sparkled as everyone apart from me cheered. 

I just looked down as Deku walked onstage and greeted everyone with an excited face, then going around everyone individually and greeting them and catching up. He ultimately took around an hour as he was just talking and accepting his greetings and welcome backs and without noticing the green haired man walking towards me. I felt two taps on my shoulder making me look up and originally, I thought it was shitty hair so I was going to tell him to fuck off when I saw Izuku's face. 

Izuku had a sympathetic look on his face as I unexpectedly hugged him tightly, feeling him hug back made me feel relieved. "Izuku I'm so god damn sorry.." 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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