Yui/Marinette's Quirk

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Hi guys...So these are some Info I forgot to add..
If u feel like their should be any changes u can just comment it.

Yui's Quirk: Weather Eye
Her quirk allows her to use different weather for fighting but, the weather should be same with 5km. Marinette/yui can use her quirk for different stuff but she can't create her own weather. Such as she can use the sunlight as a shield for protection. This is known as FORCE FEILD and every time she uses it her eye color change to YELLOW. She can use the heat of the sun for creating fire. This is know as FLAMES and every time she uses it her eye color change to RED. FORCE FEILD and FLAMES are sometimes dangerous cause it can cause burns on YUI'S body. Her next part of quirk is that, She can make it rain but only if there are clouds in the sky and every time "SHE" makes it rain she can control the water. This is known as SCARLET RAIN and every time she uses it her eye turn LAVENDER BLUE. This part of her quirk can sometimes be dangerous since it can get uncontrollable and cause purple lightnings and tornadoes. Her last part of Quirk is the mot unique and is used rarely. TIME FREEZE, She can freeze the time if the area has cold weather or snow. It sometimes works and sometime it can cause TIME MALFUNCTION which means it can cause TIME TRAPS causing people from past or future to come to present time. Her eyes turns WHITE when the quirk is safe, But the quirk is dangerous if her eye colors are glitching. This can cause Marinette to faint for hours or even days. ALL YUI'S QUIRK HAS SIDE EFFECT BUT SOMETIMES IT CAN CAUSE MAJOR DAMAGE SO MARINETTE HAS TO BE REALY CAREFULL WITH IT.

Hope u guys understood and the story will be updated soon.
The story goes same as the show but there are different storyline in start and end and even some in middle.
Hope u guys like it!!
~Patel Latte - Flowing colors [Writer/Author] 

Word Count-353

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