Escape room?

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They all walked out the house deciding they would go to the Ice rink first then shopping. "Okay shoe size?"'Izuku asked walking over to them "7.5" "9.5" "8" he nodded heading up to the counter. When he got up there he saw the one person he didn't need to see "Uranium." Uraraka looked up from her phone "One it's Uraraka two why are you here?" She cut her phone off leaning on the counter "I don't know maybe because it's called a Ice rink and I wanna skate" he folded his arms Looking at her

"Whatever..." "can I get the skates now or we gonna bitch about this" "Ugh sizes?" "Two 7.5, 9.5, 10" "great..." she got up rolling her eyes walking to the back getting the right sizes going back handing them to him "At least you can do something right." He gave her the money walking away as she blinked before huffing

He walked back to them seeing the were sitting down in the booth "What took you so long dame" He gave them the shoes "Uraraki works here" he rolled his eyes. "Dame well at least she got a job now so she can stop that only fans that wasn't it" Mina mumbled but they heard her laughing they all changed their shoes putting them in the cubby "Okay come on I'm getting impatient" Bakugou got on the Ice pulling Mina along as she laughed

(If you forgot they knew each other for a long time so their close)

"You real funny over here bout to buss yo ass cause you stay being impatient" Izuku slowly got on the Ice with Kirishima holding his hand making sure he doesn't fall "You know I don't know how to ice skate right?" Kirishima hold on to Izuku like his life depended on it "Okay first stop squeezing my hand that shit hurt like a bitch" Kirishima let go a little but kept a tight grip "Second if you know how to Skate regularly then you can Skate on Ice"

"Okay 'mr I know how to do everything' not everyone is naturally gifted like you" Kirishima rolled his eyes "Well your sure gifted..." Izuku mumbled "What?" "Nothing come on imma teach you" "great learning new things with my boyfriend imma check that off my list" Izuku froze looking at Him "What?" Kirishima looked back at him confused

"what?" "What you say?" "Um learning new things?" "No after that" "With my...boyfriend...?" "You called me....your...boyfriend" "oh yea I did didn't I?" Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck blushing looking at Izuku who was shocked

But when he came to his senses his face started to heat up "L-Lets just go" Izuku pulled him holding on to his hand as he focused on teaching Kiri how to skate which took 30 minutes. At least he learned the basics.

They took a break all heading to any food place that was near by. (Hi it's me the one that's bout to make up a name don't mind it(TεT) ) "Futalki..." Mina stared at the name "Um what in the heller?" Izuku just stared at it before shrugging and walking in "He doesn't fear death" Kirishima whispered "What's the worst that could happen" "We have no clue what this place is....I'm going in" Bakugou walked in following his cousin while Mina and Kirishima looked at each other

"And I thought the hot heads were smart" Mina said while Kirishima shrugged following behind them as Mina gave up and just went in.

When they got in there they saw different animals and it didn't even look like a restaurant even though Siri said it was "Fuck you Siri and your dumbass" Mina mumbled holding on her phone tightly looking around in cautious.

Izuku though he didn't give two shits he may secretly be mentally stressed well maybe not much of a secret but he sure wasn't a wimp. It's life you go my got one lifetime to live so why waste it and regret most decisions when your on your death bed (Izuku that's exactly what's gonna happen.)

A tall 6'11 man with a cane that was craved to look like a snake with expensive ass diamonds, a black short beard and mustache and his black hair slick back, and dark brown eyes " Siri said this a restaurant" Izuku said looking at the intimidating man which didn't effect him at all.

"Yes well this place was until I turned it into an escape room would you like to try" The man looked at all of them with a grin. They all looked at each other "Nah man we good" they were about to turn around and walk out but the door and window were on lockdown "WHAT THE FUCK?!?" Mina ran her paranoid ass towards where the door used to be banging on it.

"Oh fuck we gonna die." Izuku leaned on the counter looking at his phone. They all looked at him as if he lost his mind "Izuku were about to die!" "Fuck have you lost your mind!?" "Izu your phone call someone!" Izuku looked at them all and showed that his phone was dead "I forgot to charge it the smorning...sorry?" Mina looked like she was gonna cry, Katsuki looked like he was gonna blow and Kirishima well don't even know his face showed no emotion plus no one had any service in this place

"God why imma kill this fucker!" They all looked around but they didn't see the man anywhere "Um...where is the tall freaky man?!" "Mina calm down!" "How am I supposed to be calm!"

While they were fighting going back and forth Izuku just walked towards the desk looking around it making Kirishima confused "What are you doing?" He walked towards Izuku seeing him look under the desk and smiled

"Nothing hold on. Pass me that flash light over there" Kirishima looked confused but did it anyway as Izuku look a hair pin out his pocket What the heck Kirishima just looked at him as he picked the lock "Izuku why do you know how to pick locks?" Izuku just looked at him as if he was stupid but shrugged "Eh I had lots of practice breaking in places" He just casually said officially unlocking the lock

Kirishima looked as if he learned the most dangerous secret ever "Calm down it was only abandoned places this was when I was in America" Kirishima looked at Izuku and nodded not asking anymore questions

"Okay now get the dumbasses I already unlocked the back door" Izuku push the button as the door opened my boyfriend is a genius

They were shocked but ran out not caring as Kirishima and Izuku just walked behind them "Oh my pinkness oxygen!" Mina took a deep breath as the Bakugou looked up at the sun and cried. Kirishima and Izuku looked at each other as the other two was being dramatic little wimps "Congratulations! You made it out!" They all turned around to come face with the same man as before

"And congratulations your about to come face with my fist you giant fucker" Izuku walked up to him pissed about to punch him but Kirishima grabbed him chuckling a bit who his emotions switch quick "Anyway thanks for kidnapping us you know but we got to go he's hungry" Kirishima thrown Izuku over his shoulder as he cussed profanity and Bakugou and Mina who was still stuck in the state they were in they just followed thanking the lord they saw they light again

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