Chapter 1 - Proluge

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As I finished reading "lord of fading lands" all I could think was about what will happen in the next part. I didn't wanted to wait for tomorrow to start reading the book 2 but it was already mid night and I didn't wanted to be late for work tomorrow so I decided to write a review on the book I finished before going to bed. I opened my blog and started to write my review.

As my alarm clock went off I looked around to find that I fell asleep with my laptop on my lap. Good lord I didn't move in sleep last night else my laptop would have been a history. I had fell asleep writing the review on the book I read last night. I plugged my laptop to the charger and switched it on to complete the review I had started to write last night . This is what I have been doing for last 5 years. The books have become my world. If someone had told me in my school days that I would be spending my spare time reading books I would have laughed at him. Reading was never my thing. It all changed the day when Arya walked into my life. Arya the love of my life. I never thought I would fall for someone so deep. I wish i had got up on time 5 years ago . If not for those five minutes I would have never missed my train and I would have never met Arya.

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