Chapter 1: The Unexpected

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It is a nice and sunny day in National City, California as people walk through the busy streets to get to work and everyone is minding their own business as Logan Mansfield strolls his way into Catco and goes into an elevator to the top level and as he walks into the offices, he accidentally runs into a woman carrying a stack of papers, knocking them all over the floor.

"Oh, my goodness, I'm so sorry miss, I really should pay attention to where I'm going, here let me help you with that." Logan said apologetically. "It's fine and honestly not the first time someone has bumped into me without meaning to. You don't have to feel guilty." The woman replied with a friendly smile, leaning down to collect her fallen papers from the floor.

Before Logan could say anything back to the woman, Cat Grant walks into the building and almost simultaneously everyone stops what they're doing and says "Hello" to Miss Grant in which she turns around to everyone and says, "What are you doing gawking at me, get back to work." In which everyone immediately gets back to work and Miss Grant continues to her office but then stops once again to briefly look at Logan but then starts walking again while saying, "You, in the blue shirt wearing the dorky looking glasses, with me now." Logan gets up and is about to say goodbye to the woman that he just ran into but then he hears Miss Grant yelling, "Did you not hear the part where I said now!''

Logan immediately turns and starts to walk into Miss Grant's office and as soon as he's in her office she says to him looking at him, "Sit down." Logan walks over to a chair and sits down and patiently waits for Miss Grant to look at him but she then asks Logan while her back is still towards him, "Normally I would ask for your name but this is going to a very quick interview so don't waste my time." Logan then responds with, "Well I can assure you, Miss Grant, that you're not going to be wasting your time with me." Miss Grant finally turns around and looks at Logan and says, "Well since you managed to not crack under pressure, I'll give you my full attention now."

Miss Grant then sits down in her chair and gets on her computer and pulls up Logan's profile/information and says to Logan, "It seems that you're a skilled individual with 3 years of field work and office work under your belt and not to mention that you spent some years working in Metropolis, so my question is why leave one city to come to another city?" Logan responds "Well Miss Grant, if I can be honest with you, I wanted a change of scenery." Miss Grant chuckles at Logan's remark and says, "Or maybe you got tired of writing stories of Superman that you decided to come here to write stories on Supergirl.'' Logan fires back saying, "Maybe, maybe not I won't know till I get the job." Miss Grant chuckles again and says, "You got spunk kid, I like that in a person so you know what you just got the job. Welcome aboard." Logan then gets up and shakes Miss Grant's hand and says, "Thank you Miss Grant, you won't regret hiring me. That's my promise to you." Miss Grant responds, "I better not or else I'll send you packing back to Metropolis." Before Logan could ask Miss Grant when he could start, she yells, "Kara, I need you to get in my office immediately, and bring my coffee along with you!"

Just then Logan turned around to see the same woman he bumped into earlier enter the office with Miss Grant's coffee clutched in her hand, with an expression of nervousness clearly evident on her face. She then says, "Here you go Miss Grant, and will there be anything else that you'll need from me?" Miss Grant then grabs the cup of coffee and says, "Kara Danvers, I'd like you to meet our newest reporter, Logan Mansfield. Make sure you show him all around the building and while you're at it escort him to his new desk too." Kara responds, "Right away Miss Grant, come on Mr. Mansfield let me show you around the place. I'll be your tour guide this afternoon." said Kara with a kind smile as she led Logan throughout the building.

"So, what made you decide to move to National City? Was Metropolis too boring for you?" Kara asked as they walked together. Logan smiles and says, "Nah, like I told Miss Grant in there I just wanted a change of scenery." "Did you work at the Daily Planet before coming here? Because if you, did you might know my cousin Clark Kent. Have you met him? He's a very sweet guy." Kara asked as she led him to his work station. Logan looks at Kara with a bewildered look on his face and says, "Okay first off you're related to Clark Kent and second off yes I did work at Daily Planet and third off I did meet him and he is indeed a nice guy but he also has a really firm handshake." "Oh, that's right, we didn't shake hands before, I apologize for seeming impolite." Kara says with a frown. Logan chuckles warmly and says, "It's fine and besides I did accidentally run into you." Kara giggles with a tint of a blush showing on her cheeks and says, "In your personal experience I bet that happens a lot." Logan responds, "More than you would probably like to know." Kara fires back saying, "Oh really? So, tell me more about your past mishaps Mister Hotshot. Now that you've piqued my interest." Kara retorted jokingly with an added poke to his chest.

Logan smiled back at her and said, "Well if you must know Miss Danvers, I accidentally ran into Lois Lane when I was still working at the Daily Planet, and let's just say she nearly tore my head off. Luckily Clark was there to defuse the whole situation before she got even angrier." Kara says, "Wow you're lucky to be alive. Even Clark is taken aback sometimes by her explosive outbursts. That girl's as hot as a firecracker when she's mad." Logan responds, "Don't I know it, almost the tiniest thing would set her off and then it would take nearly 20 people just to calm her down. And Clark acting like a human shield between her and the person she was mad at. He could always endure anything." Kara chuckles and says, "Yep that's my cousin for you, always trying to help people even at the expense of his own life. He's selfless in that way, and mostly in general."

Kara then showed Logan to his work station at his brand-new desk, and then said, "Well Logan, here we are so if you don't need my assistance anymore, I will show myself out. Good luck on your endeavors and it was very nice to meet and chat with you." Logan responds saying, "It was nice to meet you too Kara and I hope I get to see you more often." Kara finished the conversation with a simple, "You can count on it." And with that Kara pats his shoulder and walks off to her desk to complete some mandatory paperwork Miss Grant had assigned her.

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