Chapter 2: A Livewired Night Out

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It's the next day and Kara sat up out of bed with a loud yawn as her alarm clock blared relentlessly beside her. Kara groans in annoyance as she flicks it across the room with a mere finger, the alarm shattering into pieces against her wall. Kara hears it shatter and gets up saying with a scowl, "Damn it, not another one. That's the fifth alarm I've broken this month. Great, I'll just have to buy yet another one when I leave work today." Kara walks over to her closet wearing nothing but a tank top and sleep shorts, her eyelids heavy with fatigue. After taking a quick shower and changing into her work clothes, Kara goes to her kitchen to pour herself a bowl of cereal for breakfast when she hears a soft knock at her door and she yells "Coming!" as she nearly drops her bowl of cereal in her haste to answer. When she answers the door, she is greeted by a smiling Alex Danvers holding The Wizard of Oz in her hands.

Kara then hugs her big sister and asks with a raised eyebrow, "Alex what are you doing here, I thought you were on vacation?" "I got off." replied Alex, "And besides, I thought you were off work today. Aren't you? Is it a bad time?" Kara rubs the bridge of her nose with a frown, and replies, "Yeah it kind of is but it's still nice to see you again, I missed you so much." "So I guess that means we can watch Wizard of Oz when you get back right?" said Alex, giving Kara a pleading look. Kara then smiles and says, "We are totally doing that when I get back from work but you could come in and wait if you want." "Then I'm napping on your couch until you come back." Alex replied as she flopped onto Kara's couch and made herself comfortable.

Alex then notices the shattered pieces of an alarm clock in Kara's room and cracks a sly grin at her younger sister. Kara looks at what Alex is looking at and then says, "If you're going to say it then just say it." "Oh I'm not going to say anything, I'm just gonna laugh." Alex replies back, to which Alex does laugh much to Kara's chagrin. Kara sighs and says, "You know what I preferred it when you're not being a pain in the ass." "Sorry sis, it comes with being your big sister." Alex replied after poking Kara in the side a few times. Kara sighs again and says, "Yeah whatever I'll see you later." "Wait, you're not going to give your favorite sister in the world a hug first before you go?" said Alex incredulously, winking at her. Kara then turns around and says to Alex, "First off you're my only sister, second off I already gave you a hug, and third, well, uh, actually I can't think of a third reason but whenever I do I'll tell you all about it later." "You know I'm only yanking your chain right? I'll see you later too." said Alex.

As Kara walks out her door she says, "I know that, but I sometimes like playing the defenseless little sister who can't win and runs off to tell on the older sister." "You're probably the furthest thing from defenseless sis. Since you have all your cousin's powers and all. But you should probably go before your boss screams at you for being late again." Kara sighs and says, "Do you have to rub everything in?'' "Yep" Alex simply replied as she laid back on the couch and quickly dozed off, clearly tired from her trip. Kara just shakes her head and super-speeds off to Catco.

As Kara arrives at Catco, she immediately runs into Logan which startles the both of them greatly, causing the two to fall in which Logan says, "I thought I was the only one who does that, I'm really sorry Kara. Did I break your glasses?" Kara laughs and says, "They're fine as long I can find them." "We've got to stop running into each other like this." said Logan with a bashful smile, rubbing his head with embarrassment. "Yeah we really do have to stop doing that. Finally there they are." Kara says as she finds her glasses and puts them on. "I didn't know you were near-sighted." commented Logan as he offered her a hand up. "Yeah well it's one of the few things that people don't know about me." Kara says as she gets up from the floor. "Oh really, well what else is there that no one else knows about you Miss Danvers." Kara with a worried look in her eye was nearly about to change the subject just when Cat Grant walks into the room and points at both Logan and Kara and says, "New Guy in my office and Kara go get me my coffee pronto!" Both Logan and Kara comply and say in unison, "Yes Miss Grant, right away." As Kara walks off to get Miss Grant her coffee, Logan goes into Miss Grant's office and sits down in a chair.

Logan says, "I hope I'm not in any trouble Miss Grant, I...uh..." "Hardly" said Miss Grant, completely cutting Logan off, "I'm assigning you a case with Kara down at the docks. Something about murderous sharks with legs attacking unsuspecting pedestrians and fishermen. You know, the kind of mindless nonsense that looks good on headlines." Logan responds, "Well I get that and why is Kara coming with me? I thought she was your assistant." "I want her to tag along with you to show you the ropes of how Catco handles stories. It's not quite the same as the Daily Planet if that wasn't obvious enough already. So no buts or fusses or musses, she's going with you." said Miss Grant with a stern expression, folding her arms. Logan responds, "Understood Miss Grant, I'll get you that and be back in a Flash. Get it?" Miss Grant rolls her eyes and says, "That's it, scram before I throw you outta here myself! Ugh!" And with that Logan runs outta Miss Grant's just in time for Kara to walk in with Miss Grant's coffee and says, "Where is he off to in such a hurry? Oh right, at the docks! Here's your coffee Miss Grant, I gotta run." Kara runs off to find Logan at the docks.

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