Protective Bakugou

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After the Sports Festival, the U.A students had a 2-day break. So Bakugou chilled at home while I still had to go to school. But the Bakusquad said they'll pick me then we'll hang out at the skate park so you were cool.
By now you kind of accepted your feelings for Bakugou. 
You finished school and were walking out with one of your best friends, Ben. You both are really close. He actually had feelings for you so when you figured out by accident you let him down slowly to not hurt him, and you guys are still friends. 
"So, you free today? Wanna hang?"
"Sorry, Ben. I'm hanging with my other friends today since they have no school."
"You're always with them! Why not hang out with your own kind!"
"I babysit one of their sisters that's why I'm close with them."

You didn't know that Bakusquad was already there waiting by the entrance. They saw you walking out with the boy and thought to give you some privacy. Mina knew who the boy was since you both got really close. She even knows about your past and accidents. You trust her a lot. Bakugou was angry that you were talking with another boy but didn't show it and just minded his own business.
You hugged Ben as sorry for a while. Once you both parted his hands were still on your back. And your arms were on his elbows. He started moving his hands lower closer to your waist but you thought nothing of it. 

Bakugou's POV:

What the hell is taking her so long!? You looked up and saw the whole squad's eyes wide so you looked where they were looking and saw Y/n with that boy's hands going lower towards her waist. Once I saw that I got pissed!
"Shitty hair hold my bag!"
"W-what!? Where are you going?"
I ignored him and walked towards Y/n and Ben.
I grabbed the back of her shirt and pulled her towards me. She gasped then I shot an explosion towards the boy not to hurt him but as a threat.
"Get the fuck off the school grounds or you're going to fucking die!"
I grabbed her arm and started walking off making the squad trail behind us. They didn't want to interrupt and make me madder. I started mumbling curses and words.
"B-bakugou? Are you ok? You seemed really mad back there."
"Shut the fuck up!"
I dragged her to my house and slammed the door shut. The squad already knows where the spare key is so they'll come in on their own. I took Y/n to my room and pushed her in and pinned her to the wall. Her hands were above her head and my knee was in between her legs. She was really red and slowly started sweating. I could tell she was nervous, I mean who wouldn't?
"You can't talk to that fucking nerd again! Got it?"
"B-but why? He's my f-friend!"
"Because I said so!"
"You can't tell me what to do!" I could see her eyes turn glassy.
I leaned down towards her ear and whispered seductively.
"If you don't listen to me and if I ever see or hear you were with him....well, heh, you'll have to get a punishment~" I slowly licked her ear and I swore I felt her shiver.

After that little incident, we all went to the arcade and hung out, and had a great time.

Y/n's POV:
The next day it was just me and Mina who hung out at the mall. We didn't want the boys to come since we never really had quality girl time so we left them at my place playing video games. Tho, we should have brought them, because there was a little incident we needed them for.

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