20. CHANYEOL (@WinterLoner)

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I am so so so so so so so soorrryyyy!!! For not updating recently i have a lot Of  things to do even if it's vacation. Please bear with me i am so sorry.



Winter's POV

"Hey, Winter!"

Ugh! There he goes again,annoying me all day.

"What?" I said annoyed.

"Can you please help me with something?" He said while pouting

"What about?"

"The project that should be submitted next week , i was absent that day that's why i didn't know what to do" he said while scratching the back of his head.

"Well, okay i guess" i answered

"But why not your other friends like baekhyun??"

"You are the only genius in class!! Please???" He said with puppy eyes


"Thanks!!!" He exclaimed and hugged me soo tight i can't breathe

"A-ahh y-yeol i-i can't breathe"

"Oh ah sorry" he said and let go

~lunch break~

I took my lunch and sat with my friends.

Uh oh, here is him again

"Hey winter!" He said offering me a high five. I just snobbed him and continue eating.

"Yah! Why did you snobbed me?" He whailed

I didn't answer and continue to eat.

~after school~

I got outside and saw him waiting for me. We both walked to my house since my parents are away.

"Okay now to get ready there are rules" i said

"First" i started

"No littering, everything must be in order,if you're going somewhere i should be there-

"Even if i go to the bathroom?" Chanyeol asked

"Of course not!" I exclaimed

"Now let's get started" i said getting some materials

~while doing the project~

"Winter i have something to ask" chanyeol said. Wait, he had never been this serious before.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked

"Well i like this girl and i don't know if she likes me back" he said

My heart sank.

Why am i feeling like this?

Did i just get jealous?

No, it can't be

"Hey winter, are you okay?"

"Yeah i'm fine, go on"

"I am planning to confess to her tomorrow after school could you watch over and tell me how it does?" He said pleadingly

"Ok fine" i said


Why do i feel heavy??

Do i like him



"Winter!" Yeol said

"Yeah?" I am seriously not in the mood

"Remember the plan ok?" He said


"Good" he said and left

~after school~ (again XD)

i waited impatiently for chanyeol and the girl to arrive

"Where are they?" I muttered to myself


I gasped and turn around. Who did that?

"Oh yeol, aren't you gonna confess?"

"Yeah i will"

"Well confess now! Where is the girl anyways?" He kneeled on one knee. What are you doing?

"Yeol what are you doing?"

"Winter, i really wanted to do this for a long time. I really really like you. That's why i was annoying you to get my attention. Would you be my girlfriend?"

"I-i don't know what to say" i was really out of words.

"Just say yes!" He said

"YES!!" I shouted

He planted a kiss on my lips.


Hi Unnie!! I am so happy that i get to have a request from one of my favprite authors!! Thanks so much!!!



LoVe lOvE LOve ExO

I ♥ u

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