21. LUHAN (@BubbleFishRainbow)

79 6 0

How are you?? I'm fine thank u!! ^3^


The shining rays of the sun made me wake up. I got up but....


His arms wrapped on my waist so tight like i was a teddy bear or pillow or something

"Luhannie~ Luhannie~" i said while shaking him

"Hmm?" He said with eyes closed

"Could u please take off your arms so i could get up and make breakfast" i said with a little aegyo.

"Aniyo, yeobo" he said still cuddling you in his arms.

"Just please....or else you will have brunch later" i warned he doesn't like brunches because he gets to eat more. But the way ge acted doesn't seem like he don't care

"I don't care..... just please let's sleep some more??" He said hugging my arm

"Okay then" i said and sleep for maybe five minutes but it's like 5 hours

~after 5 minutes~

"Luhannie~ you can wake up now" well, he is in deep sleep and he is not hugging me. I slowly got up and someone pulled me by the arm back to bed

I turned around to see luhan.

"Yah! I thought you are sleeping?" I said and smacked him

"Yah! Yeobo let's still sleep please??" He said pouting

"Lu han! I still need to make food" i said trying to lose from the grip

"Aniyo" he said

He just hugged me tight and kissed my cheek

Ugh now i don't like sleepig with luhan

And with that i yawned and went to dreamland


@BubbleFishRainbow here it is!!! I am sorry if i didn't get to use your nmae but here it is





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