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It's an early morning today.

Hockey practice on Wednesdays is scheduled before class. Luckily for me, my classes don't start until later, so I have enough time to be here and catch all my afternoon classes after practice.

Del offered to drive me there, but I declined.

I need to exercise a little, so I wanted to jog there. As a physiology student, I know exactly how important it is to exercise daily, and I try to do as much as I can.

I often go at night when it's nice and quiet.

I get into the shower to wake myself up for the long day that's ahead of me. Chase isn't in at this hour, much to my disappointment. I would've loved to talk to him right now.

Talking and singing with him brightens my mood and my day is a little better when I communicate with him in our little way.

I need to talk to him soon and figure out what all this is before something happens.

I should ask him what to do about Del. Maybe he encourages me to pursue him. If he does, I will know he is not interested in starting something between us.

If not, I don't know what will happen.

I am not looking to be in a love triangle with two guys. However, if I need to make a decision, I also wouldn't know who I'd choose.

Maybe I should tell them both I'm not looking for anything exclusive and see where it goes with the two of them. I'd feel bad to do that. It's already unlike me to hang out and experiment with one guy, let alone two at the same time.

I'm more of a relationship person. That's when I'm in my comfort zone.


Why does it all have to be this complicated?

I turn the shower off and take out the towel I had set on the counter. I dry my body before putting on my underwear, it's a matching set.

I bought it to impress my ex-boyfriend, but now I wear it for myself.

I like wearing pretty lingerie. Looking at myself in the mirror with it on, I get a little confidence, and I feel good—sexy even.

Who says you can't dress up for yourself, so that's what I've been doing. Every time I wear lingerie, I wear it for me and me only.

But I have to say I would love to see the reaction of—

Fuck. I need to choose.

On top of that, midterms are in two weeks, and I think I'm still on schedule. People who've already taken the class told me that as long as I won't fall behind on the course material, I'll be fine, so I am not worrying.

My hair is in a high ponytail, I have put my running clothes on, and I'm ready to go.

I leave the room and get into the elevator. As I get downstairs, I press start on my tracking app and take off.

The fresh air fills my lungs as I start at a slow pace to warm up.

The leaves on the trees are starting to change colors as they get ready to fall now that autumn is approaching. However, when I see the first leaves from trees start to fall, I am reminded of Halloween coming up. And even though autumn is my favorite season—I have resentment towards Halloween.

It's so overrated.

I don't even know what it's good for. What's the point behind it? I guess kids get candy, and students dress up as extra as they can.

I'm not a fan of parties, and as a kid, I was too afraid and shy to go door-to-door and ask for candy. So, I have never had any attachment to the holiday—if you can even call it a holiday—I would be okay with it disappearing in America.

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