3. Meanwhile... (Madison is grappling with the fact...)

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Aang POV:

As Appa flies me and Sokka away from Ba Sing Se my only regret is not being able to tell Katara my feelings for her seeing as Sokka interupted. I wonder...nah, it was probably an accident. There is NO WAY Sokka would have a problem with me dating Katara I mean, I'm the Avatar!        We make it to Sokka's das and I drop him off there. Guru guy, here I come.

Time Skip to Aangs vision of Katara in danger

"Katara's in trouble!"

My eyes snap open as the 'cosmic energie' version of myself falls.

"I need to go help her!" The Guru trys to get me to stay saying that I have to finish the process of opening my chackras before being able to go into the avatar state at all. I'm tempted, but Katara needs help. I jump on Appa. "Yip,Yip big boy. We need to get Sokka and save Katara!"

Sokka POV:

As Aang flies us away from Ba Sing Se I think back and reflect on our time in the city. The drill, Azula, Long Feng and the Dai Li, finding Appa, meeting Jet again, the brainwashing, the Earth King, the war. So much has happened in such a short time and I'm about to see my dad again. It's been two years...I wonder if he has any meat.

To distract myself from meat I think of Suki. She's in Ba Sing Se now, waiting for me. Suki is amazing and, I really care for her which makes me think. Aang likes Katara. A lot. When we were leaving I could tell he was about to tell her his feelings so, I interrupted him. It's stupid but, after Jet I'm even more protectiv of Katara and I don't want Aang to try and get to close.

I also don't want Aang to be upset because Katara only considers him as a little brother and not a boyfriend. He may be the Avatar but he's not the right match for my sister...

"There it is!"

Said Avatar's voice breaks me out of my  thoughts as he flies down to the obviously Water Tribe camp. Within minutes we're on the ground just a little way away.

"Have fun with your dad, Sokka!"

And just like that I'm on my way to the camp.

As I walk through the camp people let me pass and I'm directed into a big tent at the center. Upon opening the flap I see, in the back, my father and Bato. Bato notices me first and he nudges dad to get him to look at me.

I'm dying of nerves.......

Turns out, dad was really happy to see me and is very proud of me for helping Aang fufil his destiny. He now shows me the things he disigned to fight the Fire Nation, it's pretty amazing stuff with hilarious names. Bato however, doesn't seem as amused by them as me.

"The Fire Nation has been spotted Sir!"

Dad starts rallying the men for battle and looks at me. I want to join him and, unlike two years ago, he let's me.

We are about to board out boat when Aang flies down. I can tell by the look on his face that somethings wrong.

"Katara's in trouble, we need to get back to the city!"

Apparently  he had a vision and we need to hurry. I look at dad.

"Go. Help your sister and make sure she's okay."

I give dad a hug before climbing on Appa. I just found him and I already have to leave.

"Yip, yip!"

Aang takes off and I'm dimly aware of him saying something about finding Toph but my focus is on the Water Tribe warrior and Chief who just boarded his boat and is watching us fly away.

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