7. Sneaking Around

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Katara POV:

It's been abou a week and no sign of Zuko's asassin yet. Yes, I know I'm probably being rushed but his first Hawk took me by surprise and I've been on edge since.

"Hey Katara- Aah!"

Sokka screams as he gets soaked. I huff.

"Sokka, don't sneak up on me."


I roll my eyes.

"What did you want to tell me?"

Sokka looks at me in a way thats just dripping with 'older brother-y-ness'.

"I wanted to make sure you're okay. You've been acting kind of strange and I got worried."

"Thanks Sokka, but really, I'm fine"

Sokka raises his hands in defense.

"I know, I know. You're a big girl and can take care of yourself but I'm still youe older brother and I want to take care of you sometimes and of course be ready to beat the crap out of anyone who asks you out,"

We laugh together but I sober realizing that what Sokka and I have isn't always normal. Zuko will probably never share moments like this with Azula unless she does a complete 180°. I mean, she KILLED Aang! After Sokka leaves I decide to practise Waterbending even though I've mastered it. I' startled by the Hawk swooping down but quickly recover and unroll the note.

River at midnight. Will be as BS. Bringing A.
P.S.: Get T. to sleep off the ground of something.

I smile. Time to get sneaking.

Zuko POV:

Getting out of the palace on my own is easy. Speed and agility that I keep hidden helps me as I don my Blue Spirit persona. Getting a huge asassin out of the capital is harder. By a lot. Getting said asassin to the Avatars's camp with a blind Earthbender sensing Vibrations standing constant watch seems nearly impossible. We stop on a cliff near where I told Katara tp meet up. As I scan the area I'm aware of a large silver surface. Upon further examination I see it's ice and Katara is beckoning us over. Once we make it Katara asks:

"Zee?" That you?"

"Who else Kat?"

She smiles and runs over for a hug. Even though we've only met on friendly terms once before we'ew very familiar with eachother.

"So... why the ice?"

Katara smiles mischiviously.

"Toph can't see ice."


Katara glowa slightly under my praise.

"So, who's your friend?"

She asks watching the asassin.

"This our new go-between"

I turn to my 'companian'

"This is Katara. You will bring our messages back and forth, make sure their group remains a secret and warn them if there is danger."

Katara interupts.

"How can he warn us if the others cant see him?"

I look at her from my side vision.

"He has a thiird eye he can blow stuff up with"

Katara raises an eyebrow.


I sense rather than see the asassins relaxation at her words. I turn my attention back to the asassin.

"Would you mind leaving us now?"

He turns and leaves while I sigh and remove my mask.

"It's a really good disguise"

Katara says.

"How did get out of the palace though?"

I give her a smile and  hand her my mask as I explain.

"The Blue Spirit is faster and stronger than Zuko. In fact, he could probably take on Azula."

Katara laughs before turning to more important things.

"Do you have any news of the Fire Lord?"

Katara POV:

Zuko sighs and looks down.

"Katara they know."

I freeze.

"Know what?"

Zuko's expression turns pained.

"They know about the Eclipse. Azuka found out before she took over Ba Sing Se."

He looks at me.

"They're making plans but I don't know what they are."

I'm shaking now.

"The Invasion is in a month and a half. We need to warn them."

Zuko stops me.

"We can't. They'll be suspicious of you and besides, they still have a chance to win!"

"But what if they loose? What then?"

Zuko gripps my arms.

"Then you get Aang out and train him so that he can fight my Father before the comet comes. He has to win before the comet comes."

A/n: I don't own Atla. Sorry I abandoned you for so long it was not on purpose. Thatnks for reading. Pleave Vote and Comment! Bye ;)

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