part one

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we were at the park.
a picnic you could say.
just us.

the night slowly crept upon us as we watched the sun set. stars crept up into the night sky, making the night seem magical. the crisp breeze swept through my clothes and a small shiver escaped me.
i noticed his eyes lingering on my lips.
i was so nervous, yet i felt so content.
i lay back down onto our makeshift bed made with a bunch of blankets and pillows that we placed on the damp grass.
i watch the gleaming stars as he lies down next to me, not too close but definitely not close enough.
we've been talking nonsense for hours before the sun had set. but now it felt different, almost like the night sky was intoxicating us with warmth.
sure we had fun and laughed when the sun was still out, but now? it felt as though time was gone.

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