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Present time

The day was normal like everyday, Jimin who's sitting alone the place he choose to sit was near the window on the second row. His perfect place.

He liked to look outside the view of the school's front garden, where everyone can see everyone, the beautiful fountain in the middle of the garden and of course the view of the blue sky that's filled with beautiful clouds.

He liked to look outside the view of the school's front garden, where everyone can see everyone, the beautiful fountain in the middle of the garden and of course the view of the blue sky that's filled with beautiful clouds

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"Class dismissed" biology teacher said after the sound of the rings was heard.

When Jimin heard the biology teacher dismissed them, he take his luxurious looking Dior bag and put it on his shoulder before he started to head out of class.

As soon as he stepped one step out of the door, the attention was on him already. Everyone was looking at him, hearing the so familiar heels sound and seeing the familiar blond hair.

Like always, Jimin is so used to all the attention he got.

Jimin as usual showing his angel like smile before he started to head to the cafeteria where his hyungs are supposed to be waiting for him.

But, while Jimin just stepped a few more steps from the door a girl accidentally bumped into him, the girl yelped as Jimin barely let out a sound and the heavy books that he girl carried fell down everywhere in the middle of the hallway.

To her, it was so embarrassing and what's more embarrassed her is when she looked at who she bumped onto.

"Ah- umm- I-I'm sorry! I didn't see you were walking..!" The girl apologized and quickly taking her books as fast as possible.

Then again the sound of the heels was heard, something is going to happen.





And the sound stopped in front of the girl, meanwhile everyone who surrounded around Jimin and the girl take out the phones to record what THE Park Jimin is about to do to the girl.

Jimin knelt down to the level of the girl, his action made the girl froze also everyone around them.

"Here, it was one of your books right?"Jimin said as in his hand were two books that fell down when she bumped onto him.

The girl just couldn't take her eyes off Jimin and just take her books from his hand without moving her eyes, as she remarked the beauty of Park Jimin.

"Have a good day, next time be careful" Jimin said and smiled at her then he got up and left the area, leaving the girl on the ground mumbling that she just got blessed by an angel.


Jimin just walked out the building, there he looked at the beautiful angel statue on the fountain then started to head to the cafeteria area where mostly everyone go to in break time.

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