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After the hot session inside the restroom, Jimin got off Jungkook's lap standing on his still shaking legs and hands still groping tight on Jungkook's shoulders for support.

"Already leaving?" Jungkook asked and kissed Jimin's clothed tummy.

"I'm just going to fix my makeup then leave" Jimin said simply and opened the stall's door, standing in front of the counter.

He looked at the mirror and sees the stains of cum on his face, Jimin licked the cum that was on his lips before he washed his face.

Jimin take out his makeup bag from his Dior bag and started to redo his makeup and finished it with the peach lip gloss on his plump lips.

"Beautiful" Jungkook said from behind and sneaked his arm around Jimin's waist.

"Thank you" Jimin said as he looked at Jungkook in the eyes.

Jimin take out his phone to check the time and it was already lunch time, some missed calls from his hyungs was showed on the lock screen.

"It's already lunch, hyungs must be worried about me" Jimin said as he put his phone back inside.

"Why not eating lunch with me for today?" Jungkook whined like a child.

"Yoongi hyung will kill you" Jimin said as he walked towards the door and opened it, leaving Jungkook.

But the other was quick and catch Jimin's shoulder with his arm and walked with him together towards the cafeteria.

They both even didn't care about those who were staring at them or taking pictures of them together.

Before they could enter the cafeteria Jimin stopped, which Mae Jungkook stop, he shrugged off Jungkook's arm from his shoulder and walked inside ignoring Jungkook, who's tongue poked inside his cheek.

Soon Jimin reached the same table where his hyungs are sitting, he greeted them before he sat down and began to eat his lunch while chatting with his hyung.


After school.

Jimin's, Yoongi's, Jin's and Hoseok's penthouse.

Jimin was chilling in the living room, sitting on the large couch and playing with his phone also the wind today is very calm, Jimin loved the sound of the pool the water sligy moving

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Jimin was chilling in the living room, sitting on the large couch and playing with his phone also the wind today is very calm, Jimin loved the sound of the pool the water sligy moving.

Everything was calm until Yoongi ruined it.

The sound of the door slamming close was heard all over the penthouse and out came Yoongi form upstairs looking at Jimin and yelled his name.

"Park Jimin!" Yoongi said angrily.

It made Jimin flinch, he looked up at his hyung with his innocent looking eyes.

"Yes?" Jimin answered.

Yoongi came down the stairs in a hurry and when he reached to Jimin, he threw his phone on the couch beside Jimin. Curiously, Jimin slowly take the phone in his small and chubby hand, he flip the phone to look at it.

There he sees the tweet of @/btschool_gossip, it showed a three pics of him and Jungkook.

First pic- Jimin coming out of the restroom as he fix his skirt.

Second pic- Jungkook coming out of the restroom right after Jimin.

Third pic- a pic of Jungkook with his arm on Jimin's shoulder in front of the cafeteria.

Looking at those pictures, Jimin clenched his hold on the phone, he's so annoyed that these people only mind other's business.

I will fucking kill those sluts Jimin swear to himself.

"U-umm... what am I supposed to see here hyung?" Jimin asked as he looked at Yoongi.

"Don't act dumb Jimin, explain! Did he hurt you? Forced you? .... Or did you go willingly?!" Yoongi yelled the last few words.

"HYUNG!" Jimin yelled.

Yoongi didn't expect that.

His little mochi, gentle cousin, a baby princess.

Just fucking yelled at him.

Without Yoongi realizing, Jimin ran up the stair to his room and slam the door shut.

This time Jin and Hoseok decided to interrupt the conversation between the cousins.

"Don't yell at Jimin like that! He also is shocked by the new tweet!" Jin protected Jimin and sat down beside Yoongi on the couch.

"Yah! Jin get your nose out of this, it's a family issue, even if I see you as a family but you're not related to Min nor Park!" Yoongi yelled at Jin.

"Hyung, we know that you're the oldest but you're saying these hurtful words on your friend, please don't be like this just because of a stupid tweets" Hoseok tried to calm Yoongi down and it seems like it's not working.

Maybe Hoseok knocked some sense in Yoongi's head.

"Yeah, hyung don't mind them or the tweets, it's all lies maybe it's even photoshopped. You know how easy it is to make a photoshop these days..." Jin said.

"... I don't know, I should have keep my eyes on that dick moves more carefully. How dare he touching someone from my family like that, he have no shame? We're enemies and he's trying to take everything out on my cousin...? Fuck.." Yoongi said and lay down his head on his palms.

Upstairs, Jimin's bedroom.

After slamming the door, Jimin flopped on the bed and scream into his pillow and cursing on his Hyung

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After slamming the door, Jimin flopped on the bed and scream into his pillow and cursing on his Hyung.

After he finish taking out all of his anger on the poor pillow, Jimin looking up on the ceiling and talked to himself.

"Why is he so fucking annoying these days?"

"What have I don't already?"

"Am I making the image of our family low just because Jeon Jungkook is interested in me?"

"Hmp! Whatever. All hyung do is just for the better, but not for me, for him and family"


Suddenly Jimin got a new notification, he groaned as he don't have the energy to get up to pick his phone, but then he heard another notification and finally desired to get up and get his phone.

He opened the phone and soon a smile was on Jimin's face because of who that sent him messages.

Daddy❤️: Come to me.

Daddy❤️: Daddy is here to comfort you princess.

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