Super secret spies

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They walked out onto the field for practice & Owen was immediately welcomed back onto the team. He was also introduced to Dani Rojas, the player who had joined last season after Owen was benched. Practice ran smoothly though it was strange for him without Roy Kent there. He was filled in on all the drama he had missed including Roy having gotten with Keeley & the team's suspicions surrounding Trent Crimm & their coach. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't overjoyed that the team was so quick to welcome him back.

Owen made quick friends with Dani & they started to go on little lunch dates. Not actual dates, of course, Owen had no romantic interest in Dani. The two were laughing together as they ate until they saw Trent walk into the café, they were in. They quickly shushed each other, basically attempting to spy on Trent as revenge. Then they saw Trent sit down at a table with Ted.

"Oh shit, Dani, looks like we got a story on our hands." Owen whispered, imitating Trent. Trying not to get caught was an incredibly difficult task as they had to keep themselves from laughing. Dani used his phone as a voice recorder so they could show the rest of the team. They both knew that eventually they would get caught but it was worth it. They would be able to tease their coach & that made this whole ordeal worth getting caught.

After a few minutes, Trent noticed the two, he snickered & told Ted. Trent actually thought it was quite funny whilst Ted got up & walked over to them. Owen scrambled to turn off Dani's phone recording but couldn't seem to do it correctly. Dani tried to help out but the two accidentally dropped the object, causing it to break. Owen looked up at Ted as he walked over, Owen quickly hid the broken phone behind him, "oh fancy seeing you here, Coach Lasso!" he chuckled nervously.

"Katz, Rojas, y'all are lucky that I love you two like family. You're also lucky that Trent is in a good mood." Ted told the two with a small smile. "Now what were you thinking when you did that?" he asked. Dani opened his mouth but promptly closed it, looking over at Owen. Neither of them really wanted to tell Ted that they wanted revenge on Trent. Especially not after they found out that Ted actually liked Trent. 

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