I. chapter thirteen

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Rosalyn walked through the corridors, the sides of her dress bunched in her hands. She arrived at the common room, said the password and stalked to her dormitory where Hermione sat crying, Ginny besides her rubbing her back.

"What happened, 'Mione?" Rosalyn crouched down in front of her, gently grabbing her hands.

"Ron yelled at me for being with Viktor," she sniffled defeated, reaching for another tissue.

"He's just jealous you got with a guy more attractive and popular than him," Ginny scoffed, "We all know Ron is insecure."

"Ouch, Gin," Rosalyn laughed, earning a small smile from Hermione, "He'll come around, remember he's just a boy."

"I'll still kick his ass if you'd like me to," Ginny offered once again, shrugging her shoulders.

"Please," Hermione dried her tears, standing from her bed, and they were off to find the boys who were left in the ballroom downstairs.

Once they'd been spotted, sitting alone, the group of girls, still in their dresses approached with a ridiculous amount of sass.

"You're vile, Ronald Weasley!" Hermione cried out angrily, shoving her finger in his face, "What in Merlin's name is wrong with you?!"

"I'm not a part of this," Harry stammered, standing from his seat, "Want any snacks?"

"No," the three answered in unison.

"You should learn some damn manners before speaking like that to a girl," Ginny snapped, the ruffles of her dress swaying as she approached him, "I thought Mum would've taught you better."

Ron rolled his eyes, "Oh please-"

"You're just jealous because Hermione actually had a date!" She continued, hands on her hips as blow after blow at his self esteem rained down on his shoulders.

"But — but — she's not any girl, she's-"

"Don't you dare interrupt me!" Ginny fired back, continuing their sibling fight. Ron's cheeks were red from embarrassment.

Rosalyn saw him standing at the entryway, staring at her. She gave him a small smile.

"This is better than television," Draco snickered as she approached him, holding the bundles of her dress so she wouldn't trip.

"Gryffindor drama," she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms as she stood besides him against the wall.

"You should get some rest," he suggested, glancing down at her with his hands in his pockets.

She felt warmed when he looked at her that way. Untouchable.

The walk back to the tower was quiet, awkward. They were to young to figure out the ins and outs of a real relationship. To the older students they were just another young love that would end in a first heartbreak.

She kissed his cheek when they arrived at the Fat Lady's portrait.

As we arrived at the door, I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Happy Christmas Draco," I smiled.

"Can I-" he hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck, "Would you mind if I walked you to your room?"

"As long as you don't get me in trouble," she answered with a sly smile, whispering the password as the frame caved inwards, allowing her entrance.

His eyes wandered in awe at the warmth of the gryffindor common room, following her up the steps towards her dormitory.

It was empty when she turned the door, Hermione and Ginny still arguing with Ronald downstairs.

"Your dormitories are so... comfortable," he spoke wondrously, unused to seeing so much red.

He didn't hate it as much as he thought he would.

"I should leave you to change into something more comfortable," he exclaimed, standing in front of her as she sat down on her bed, "That dress looks torturing."

He reached for her hair, admiring the beautiful clips when her hand clasped around his wrist, stopping him in his tracks.

"Don't touch those," she exclaimed quietly yet strictly, looking up at him with apologetic eyes, "Please. I — sorry. They were my Mother's."

"Were?" Draco questioned, his brows furrowing in concern.

Rosalyn nodded, gently releasing his arm, intertwining their hands instead.

"Goodnight, Bellegreen," he whispered, letting go of her fingertips before placing a kiss on her cheek, stalking to the door with a sense of eagerness.

"Goodnight, Malfoy," he heard her peep from behind the door, pressing his palm against the wood before exiting down the stairs, into the common room.

With near perfect time, Potter and Weasley had entered, flabbergasted looks on their faces as they saw Malfoy, standing in his enemy territory.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?!" Ronald shrieked, eyes wide and crumbed mouth half open in shock.

"I was putting her to bed. You see something, Weaslebee, some boys actually know how to treat a girl," Draco pushed past with defiance, swiftly pushing open the frame and stepping into the grand staircase.

He returned to the dungeons with quick strides, walking past couples in dark halls with their clothes half ripped from their bodies, an unfamiliar pit of nervousness sloshing in his stomach.

He longed to be a six year.

He returned to his dormitory and rid his suit for flannel pajamas, sitting down on his bed with a thump.

What had happened to her Mother?

The look on her face, he wouldn't understand for years to come, but it reminded him of something.


She'd used the past tense.

It was then Draco realized he had much to learn about her past, and she had much to learn about his own.

She would come to learn that she did not belong in his world, and he did not belong in hers.

Their years of youth were bound to crumble.

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