I. chapter fourteen

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Writing all of this lovey-dovey mushy shit is making me cringe but I have to remember how depressed I'm gonna be when we get to the dark stuff so bear with me for now 🤪

January 6th, 2:00PM

It'd been a long two weeks of preparation, and Rosalyn was juggling helping Harry and her dates with Malfoy.

He always insisted on taking her to lavish restaurants, just barely convincing him to stay in and stay by the fireplace with a cup of warm tea for a while.

He surprisingly found he preferred that than any dinner out with her, and despite her split loyalties, they were closer than ever before.

The second task would start in fifteen minutes, and Ginny and Rosalyn were sat on the platform in the center of The Black Lake, waiting for the horn to sound.

Rosalyn gagged as she watched Harry choke down a slimy green substance, something the looks out of one of Neville's plant textbooks.

She wasn't very far off.

Draco winked at her from across the stands and she blushed, smiling down towards her feet.

"Disgusting," Ginny shook her head, "Neville, do you know what Harry just ate?"

He turned to her with a fascinated grin, happy to explain towards anyone would listen, "It's called gillyweed! Gives you gills, it's quite c-"

The announcer began to count down and Rosalyn's nerves began to build, unknown as to the location of Hermione and Ron.

The horn rang through the air and echoed across ripples of water, the crowd cheering in excitement as three champions dove into the lake's surface.

"What's he doing?" Ginny asked concernedly, the two of them watching as Harry flailed un-gracefully into the water.

It was the most boring of tasks, staring at placid waters and waiting for someone to reach the surface.

"What if they all get hypothermia and just die?" Ginny wondered aloud, fastening her hat and mittens further around her body as her body grew cold.

It wasn't cold enough outside to freeze the lake's surface, but coats and ear warmers were indeed necessary. 

Gasps erupted when Cedric broke the surface first, heaving Cho Chang's body from the freezing water. She clung to him like a raft as others helped them towards the docks.

"They're shagging," Rosalyn concluded, watching as he placed a towel around her cold body and wrung out her long black hair.

Viktor was next, and Rosalyn almost screamed when she saw Hermione's body float upwards in realization. Moody had taken her and Ronald from the library the previous night, and then they'd disappeared.

Ginny let out a sigh of relief when she saw Harry dart to the surface, freezing cold as his gills morphed back into human feet.

Rosalyn glanced out the window of their dormitory in gryffindor tower, exploring the forest grounds with her eyes as she smoothed her sweater with her palms.

Lorelei sat perched on her shoulder, nuzzling her cheek before jumping back into her blanket at the end of the bed.

"Are you wearing the earrings?"

Ginny asked, standing by the door waiting.

"When am I not?"

They walked down to the common room in unison to find Hermione and Harry soaked in freezing water, wrapped in towers and warming by the fireplace.

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