Chapter 2

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                                                                         Chapter 2

I was just frozen when dad had said those few words. I was as frozen as ice and I felt very emotional. I was weeping and in sorrow for almost all that time. The only thing that worried me the most was that my dad and I mean my mum’s husband didn’t care. He was as if a pen ran out or something. He just didn’t care did he!

                It was all my fault that mum died; I was the one who killed her. I was the one who asked her that stupid question. If only I hadn’t put my Child D folder on my face I would have died with her. We would have gone up to heaven together like daughter like mum! I was so angry with my dad or let me not even call him that! I just wanted to kill him and then I would have killed myself and it will be like three in a row, but I do not have a heart like that. I am not like those cold-hearted beasts that come in those scary and betrayal films!

                Without mum life was quite normal, the first few days were all tragic. I kind of got used to it after a month! Only there was something wrong with dad, I did not know what it was but that was not for long!

                On Friday, I did my English GCSE exam and so we had to go home two hours earlier! I did not tell dad because we don’t even talk to each other as much! I went home at about 2:15pm and I was full with excitement because I thought I did quite well in my essay and I have always wanted to be an author myself!

                When I went home my face changed from happy to sad. This other lady sat next to dad, and I mean really close! They were watching some kind of romance film. Yuck, I hated films like that they just make me sick, especially my dad watched it with some other lady. She looked at him; smiled and laughed, mum would have never done weird stuff like that. I wanted dad to just look disgusted but, to top it all of he was very happy laughing away with her squeaky little voice!  

                I was full of anger and hatred; it was as if steam came out of my ears and mouth! Right next to me was the Television’s remote. I looked at dad and the remote and vice versa. Eventually, I was so ferocious that I turned off the TV! My dad was so surprised and looked back. He looked as if he had seen a ghost!

‘erm…let me explain Claire’, he said in a husky voice, he was also scared of me!

‘Ohh hi your Claire, well my names Rebecca. Glad to meet you,’ that lady replied in a not bothered accent. She looked at me deeply and gave me a who are you to turn off the TV look.

I didn’t want to stay in that filthy room any more so I aggressively ran away pushing the door, it shut really hard until it hurt my ears. I could hear dad calling me but, I didn’t care, he didn’t care about me! I ran upstairs tears coming out of my already sore eyes! No one understood my feelings…how did dad just get manipulated by this evil witch. The only person that actually cares about me is Fluffy my cat. I jumped up to my bed and it made a very harsh growl. Fluffy looked at me and knew something went wrong! She ran up to me and sat on my lap, her twinkling eyes reflected the light.

I just sat there in silence for a long time until a slam waked me up! My dad came into the room, eyes as red as blood. He was never as angry as this before. It was not like I killed someone or something. Chill down dude; I thought to myself.

‘Do you know who that was that you talked to like that!’ he asked in a deep manner. This was the actual sentence that dad had said to me for a while.

‘don't know’, I replied not being bothered to say any further!

‘That’s your new mum, were going to get married in 2 weeks’, he protested shouting to me as if I was deaf or something.

‘You mean, evil step mother,’ I cried.

                Dad slammed the door while he went out. He was outrageous and really fierce. I didn’t want anyone to take the position of my mum! She was the best and I will never let that lady get her space! NEVER EVER EVER!!!

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