Imagine 2: Cupcakes

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"(Y/N)!" Theo practically yells as you open the door to the apartment you share. "Your home already?" He asks, shocked.

"Yeah," you say confused, "work got out early because it's Christmas Eve, so I came back, what are you doing?"

He's standing in the kitchen, a guilty look on his face, his hands behind his back. "um, I"

Suddenly, Ansel walks down the stairs from the bedroom, he's wearing an apron and his clothes are covered in flour. "Theo," he begins "You have to-"

Theo shoots him a death look, and he stops talking.

"oh" He mouths, when he sees you standing in the doorway.

"Guys what's going on?" You ask, getting nervous. "Ansel why are you covered in flour, wait why are you even here?" You manage, starting to walk towards the kitchen. "I uh," Theo began looking at Ansel.

"I came to watch the game" Ansel clearly lied.

"And you ended up covered in flour?" You question, watching them suspiciously. "You know the phrase," Theo says gnawing on his lower lip, "cover yourself in flour and the Patriots win"

"Ok, What the hell is going on?" You ask again, getting irritated.

"Fine," Theo sighs, "I was going to surprise you with cupcakes for-" "shit the cupcakes!" Ansel interrupts him, rushing toward the oven. He puts on a pair of oven mitts as quickly as he can and opens the over door, letting a ton of smoke and the smell of burning food escape. "dammit Theo I told you to watch them!"

"I got distracted, I'm sorry"

"Wait Theo what were you saying?" You ask, walking over towards him.

When your close enough, he wraps his large arms around your waist. He sighs and tucks your hair behind your ear as he looks into your eyes, "I felt bad that I missed our anniversary last week, so I wanted to do something special for you"

He runs his fingers over your cheek, and smirks a little to himself. "your so beautiful" he whispers, pressing his soft lips to your forehead.

You can't help the blush creeping up into your cheeks as he leans in and kisses you softly.

When he leans back, you look up at him, so happy you have such a great man to call your boyfriend.

"Sorry," he starts again softly, "I got distracted"

A small smile plays at his lips, and his warm breath blows gently on your cheeks when he talks.

"I tried to make cup cakes because I know they're you favorite," he says quietly, "and when I failed I called Ansel, because I can't bake to save my life" he chucked, his deep voice rumbling.

You wrap your arms around his neck and smile, your heart beating louder than a drum. "Your so stupid it's cute" you reply softly, getting so close your noses bump.

"Hey remember me?" Ansel says loudly, "yeah I'm still here guys"

"Sorry Ansel," Theo says, not pulling his gaze away from you.

"I'm gunna leave now, let you two lovebirds be alone"

"Bye," Theo mumbles as you hear a door close.

"Where were we?" He asks you, his eyes glancing down at your lips. "I love you (Y/N)" he mumbles, pressing his lips against yours. "I love you too Theo" you respond as he goes in to kiss you again.

"So being me, I had this all organized and planned and your stupid work had to ruin it," he laughs nervously.

"I decided to do this on an easy date to remember, so I wouldn't forget out anniversary again"

"What?" You ask him, confused.

" (Y/N) I want to spend every last second of my life with you, and your my best friend. This past year has been the best year of my life, and I can't wait to be this happy for the rest of my life"

He gets down on one knee, his voice quivering anxiously, "I was supposed to put this in a cupcake and give it to you that way but," he pulls a small black box out of his pocket.

You can't breathe. You are in so much shock you feel like your going to pass out.

"(Y/N) will you marry me?" He announces, flipping the box open to reveal a massive diamond ring.

You nod, your eyes wide. "Theo," you say breathless. "of course I will"

He stands up and wraps his arms around you tightly, before kissing you again. "I love you (Y/N) he says to you, "and I can't wait to make you my wife"

"I love you too Theo" you respond, and he slips the ring on your finger.

Theo James ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now