Imagine 7: the Inlaws

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"What if they hate me?" You ask, as you stop outside the door, Theo's hand laced with yours. "️Babe your impossible to hate" he reassured you, putting his hand on the door knob.

"But what if I screw up or say something wrong?"

"Everything's going to be fine" he mutters, pushing the door open. "Mom I'm here" he called, stepping into the hallway and brushing his shoes off on the dirt mat.

You do the same, nervously walking into their huge house. The hallway we stand in leads to the kitchen, which is most likely why it smelt like spaghetti. To your right is a massive grand staircase, surrounded by the beautiful cream colored walls.

"Hey hon" A middle aged woman says as she walks out of the kitchen and towards you, her medium length, blond hair swaying across her back gently. She still wore her apron, with its small splotches of spaghetti sauce as she embraced him, avoiding getting the sauce on his button down shirt.

"This must be (Y/N)!" She exclaims as she releases her son. "I've heard so much about you!"

"Hello Mrs. Taptikilis" you say nervously, as she smiles at you.

"Please call me Jane" she beams, as she shakes your hand. "Philip they're here" she calls upstairs, as Theo takes off his coat.

"Let me take that for you," she says as she helps you take off yours, before hanging it up. "Theo where are your manners? Show the lady around" she says to him, as she takes off her apron. "Phil!" She calls again as Theo takes your hand.

"See," he whispered as he guided you into the kitchen, "nothing to be nervous about she loves you"

You chew on your lip, taking a deep breath. nothing to be nervous about.

"Let me show you the dining room," he began, tugging on your hand. "Why?" You ask as he drags you towards a large, wooden door. "Well we're eating in there," he explains, pulling you past the simmering pots on the stove.

"Yeah I know that but," He cuts you off by pressing his lips to yours. "shush" he mutters, twisting the door knob to let you into a massive room.

Inside, there's no windows, but bright celling lights hang above your heads, illuminating the room as you walk in. A long wooden table covered in a silky looking, off-white table cloth spreads across the wall to your left, ruining parallel to a large painting hung above a brick fireplace on the one to your right. "wow" you mumble as he leads you towards one of the elegant chairs, and helps you in, kissing your cheek.

Just then, Jane comes in, without her apron on, and followed by a middle aged man who must be Theo's dad. You straighten, Theo's hands on your shoulders. "relax babe" he hums in your ear, as your stomach nervously twists. You close your eyes and breathe deeply. Relax.

"There just people" he whispers before walking over to his dad. There just people.

He nods to you as Theo helps him into the chair across from you, "so this is (Y/N)" He says raising his eyebrows. "Nice to meet you sir" you manage, your throat feeling dry. "Same to you" he mumbles, looking down at his silverware.

Your so nervous about what they think of you, you almost feel like you might puke. "I'll go get the food" Jane says with a smile as she walks back into the kitchen, her heels clicking along the hardwood floor. Theo sits next to you, almost as tenser than you are.

Even though he's trying to comfort you, he's clearly nervous about how this dinner will go as well.

Under the table, you feel him grab your hand and give it a firm squeeze, but you can't tell if it was meant to make you feel better, or to relax himself.

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