Chapter 3

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Warning!! - This chapter contains some intense scenes and blood that may be disturbing for some readers.


Raelynn's POV

We're outside Melanie's house. I'm not ready to leave her yet. We could have a sleep over at my house but she says that she wants to study. She can be a real nerd sometimes. It's the reason people use her alot to cheat on tests. Though I doubt anyone will believe me if I say that, they'll just think I'm jealous because she's more popular than me.

I've told her about it already but she's still oblivious. I'm really worried for her.

"You sure you don't want to hang out at my place?" I mean I don't mind watching some anime with her.

"Yeah. Besides, my parents are home early and they don't want me to skip dinner. Thanks for walking me home by the way."

"Sure, no problem."

She steps inside the house and waves at me. I wave back until the door closes. My smile fades as I don't see her anymore. I think it's for the best. It's not like she'll return my feelings.

Oh, right. I just found out that I have a crush on her when she started hugging me outside the school gates. I thought I hugged her back because she's my friend but deep down I knew I wanted something more from her. I even had a hard time looking at her in the eyes after that because I realised how gay I was.

I still can't believe I lied to her about my crush though. I never liked any boy at our school nor outside. Who knows, I might have been gay this entire time.

All of this is really new to me. I think I might need some time to get used to it.

Soon, I reach my house. All the light in the rooms are switched off, I guess my dad isn't home yet. When I enter the front door and flip the switch on the wall, the room still remains dark. I do it again but it still won't work. There's no light from outside since the sun already set.

Just my luck.

I use my phone's flashlight to light up the place. My dad probably haven't paid the bills yet since he's been away from home too often.

I click my tongue and head to the kitchen, hoping to find some candles. But after rummaging through the drawers, there's nothing I can find. Sweat drips from my forehead and suddenly, I remember that the fan doesn't work.

I curse at myself for letting me suffer with no air. However, when I turn to my side I realise the window is already opened.

"Dad, are you home?" I ask. But not long after, I see one of the sticky notes that dad usually left on the fridge when he's not home. I read it and it says,

I won't be home until 10. I have a business meeting at work. If you're hungry I left some money on the table so you can order some pizza.

I look at the table and notice there's no money. I'm pretty sure my dad wouldn't lie to me, so someone must have broke into my house and took it.

The thought of it brings chills down my spine. I look around the kitchen, trying to think of something to do. But then, I hear a door slam from upstairs. I can't go to the living room or whoever that is will see me. So intead, I hide inside the storage room below our staircase and lock up.

I lower the volume of my phone and call for 911. Once they pick up, I explain everything to them and they tell me to stay put and wait for them to come.

I try to wait patiently but my heart is beating too fast. I don't like this. I hate suffering alone.

Suddenly, an idea pops up in my head and I click on Melanie's name in my contacts.

"Melanie, help me." My voice breaks as I speak.

"Rae? What's wrong?" Her voice is so warm, it's like I can already feel her right next to me.

The sad thing is she isn't.

"My dad is not home yet and I think someone is in my house."

"Did you call the police?"

"Yeah, they're on their way here. But can you come?" Tears slip onto my cheek, I realise I'm crying hard. "I'm scared."

"Just find a place to hide and be careful. I'll tell my parents to send me there."

"Please be quick." I beg.

"I promise I'll come there as soon as I can."

I smile and wipe the tears off my face. "Melanie,"

"Yes, Raelynn?"

"If anything happens to me, I just want to tell you that I love you."

Even if she thinks of me as just her bestfriend, I still want her to know how much I care for her, that she's always been the one that makes me feel safe and that I wish to always be by her side.

"Nothing's going to happen to you, don't worry."

And that her words brings more life than life itself...

"See you."

"Yeah, see you."

The call ends and I squeeze my phone against my chest. I'm expecting for her parents to be driving her here in the fastest way they can. I want to be saved so I can see her. So I don't have to worry about anything.

But I guess that won't be happening. Footsteps are getting closer towards the storage room. Before I can do anything, something sharp goes through the door, breaking the wood. I scream.

The person inserts their hand through the hole that they've made and twist the door knob. My body freezes in fear, all I can do is watch as the a masked person lift up an axe above their head.

Suddenly, pain strikes on my stomach and blood splatter out of my mouth. And finally, tear falls out of my eyes and my body slams onto the floor.


A/N- Phew. I had a hard time writing this. I tear up inside with every single word I write and I feel so bad for my characters. But I have to be responsible and finish this hell I've started. Stay tuned for the next chapter uwu

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