✨Chapter 1✨

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     Chapter 1........

"Rebecca......" Liz shouted her name in the corridor gaining almost everyone's attention. "What happened Liz can you just be quiet."   "Guess what I caught David staring at me. Now I believe Anna. She wasn't lying when she told me that he has a crush on me".

   " Oh my God!!!! What. Woah girl you are so lucky. He is such a good boy. You guys are perfect. Mmm mmm.......Liz David. Even the name sounds beautiful." Rebecca felt happy for her friend.
"Liz did you do your maths homework?"  " No!!Come on show me your notebook. Give it to me before Anna comes or else she will not give me your notebook."

    "Rebecca, Rebecca , give me your maths notebook. I forgot to do the homework." Anna screamed while sitting beside them. "No. I took it first. You go and ask that Emy."  " Liz don't be stubborn. You are blessed with a nice brain and me here don't even know 5's multiplication table." Anna said.

     "Okay Anna you sit in the middle. Liz didn't start writing , you both can write it at the same time." Rebecca reasoned.

        It has always been like this. The three of them. Rebecca was the nerd, the shy yet bold type. She was the funniest and friendliest person anyone could be. But only her best friends got to know that side. She was beautiful but she had huge spectacles and curly frizzy hair, so she was not popular for her looks. Yet she was popular because of her academics and her sassy attitude towards boys. In short boys would always get savage reply from her if they ever tried to fool around.
Anna and Liz were friends from a very young age. They have always been in the same division since class 1. Their parents had recommended their Principal to not change their division and so they have been close, very close. It was not until last year, class 6 when Rebecca came to their same class. At the first glance they thought that she would be the rude class nerd but time proved it wrong. Now they have become best friends, more like family.

       Anna had a cousin named David, yes Liz's David. So David was friends with all of them. Alex and Abraham were David's other friends. Abraham was close to them too, especially with Anna...... Yeah somewhat a crush.

      But Alex would always stop with a smile. He joined the school last year. He came from the US along with his siblings to study in Kerala, India. He was very much popular in this school, why wouldn't he be. He was gorgeous, manly,  an athletics champion and the basket ball captain. He had a beautiful innocent smile. He was talented but was shy. Yeah more like Rebecca...........

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