✨Chapter 2✨

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"Finally we have become relatives." Anna screamed. "Shhhh..... Don't scream. What if the teachers hear and then, we are not married so how will WE get related?"  Liz exclaimed.  "So what.?? You are his girlfriend and he will marry you. If not I will make sure that he won't marry anyone else."  Anna replied.

       So yeah, David confessed to Liz and now they are couples. 'Secret couples.'

       "Rebecca, why don't you love David's brother George. You won't have to change your name after marriage and guess what we all could be relatives."  " Shut up!! I am not going to love anyone now."        "Okay okay let's discuss it later. Rebecca can you get me my pad from my bag."   "Yeah."  Rebecca replied and walked out of the washroom and went to their classroom.

     The previous class was PE and now they had their lunch break. As she was walking towards their class she saw David and his friends except for Alex goofing around. Just when she passed them one of them shouted. "Woah. Alex is so gorgeous. He is so athletic and manly."

      Rebecca was astonished by their behaviour. It has been a while since she have been hearing this. Whenever she pass their group they would suddenly shout Alex's name or try to push him towards her. Earlier she just shrugged it off but now she started getting nervous. She was sure that they were aiming  at her because they did it when only she was there. Thinking about the possible reasons behind the teasing she grew more nervous. Usually her classmates did this either if a boy secretly loves a girl or if they were best friends. It obviously wasn't the second reason. No way it could be the first one.  How on earth will someone like Alex love someone like her Rebecca thought. She decided to tell it to her best friends.

        "Woah woah woah.... 'Rebecca Alex.' Sounds great. You guys look perfect. Even you both are from 'yellow house.' Your roll numbers are multiples of 12, 24 & 36. I ship you both."  Liz exclaimed. "Shut up man. I was getting nervous and that was why I told you guys and guess what you are making me more nervous." Rebecca protested.  "Rebecca don't be so serious. He loves you. I am sure. If not why would they tease you." Anna said.  "Please stop it...."  Rebecca pleaded. But somewhere in her heart she loved it and wanted them to tease her more. Her heart wished it was true.

            "Rebecca, come here fast." Anna shouted. Rebecca ran to her friends.  "Rebecca we need to tell you something serious. Alex really loves you. He was starting at you during the whole event."  Liz told her.

         It was Onam celebration at their school and currently they were standing near the 'tug of war' game.

          "No way it is true. He might have been looking at Emy. She was sitting just behind me."  "Believe me he was looking at you the whole time. He would change his position whenever you would change yours. Even now he changed his position to stand opposite to you."  Anna said. Rebecca looked and yes it was true. He wasn't there some time before but now he was standing opposite to her. He was even starting at her. She got some weird feelings in her tummy. She became all sweaty. Her hands were cold as ice. These feelings were all new to her. It was the first time in her life when she saw a boy starting at her. The fact that Alex , the popular one is looking at her didn't help it either. Her mind was in protest. She was nervous as hell but man she enjoyed it for sure.

        "He might be looking at the  game." Rebecca protested. "Mm let's wait and watch." Anna said. Rebecca wanted to believe them. But her sense of insecurity wouldn't let her believe it. So she decided to keep an eye on him from now on. She wanted to know if he really loves her. Little did she know she had already started developing feelings for him..........

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