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-committing violence(At the end)

Author's note because I want to say something. So uhm- I love Lore. And here are barley any stories with him (I found only one). So I wanted to add one. I imagined this Storyline, for some time now and I thought I want to write it down and (hopefully) give some Lore lovers out there a good story to read.

So, the context.

Where are we?

You are a colonist on Omicron-Theta. You're living there with your parents. You also go to school there, but you have a few days of break left when we start.

Who are we?

You are a 20 year old girl who always loved to read books in your free time. You are a extroverted girl, except in class. In school you pretty much mind your own business.

Then- what else do we hav.. RIGHT! FAMILY!

Your Mom will be in the story, your dad won't. You have no siblings.

When are we?

Approximately 2330's (I know large scale). I searched up Lore's activation year. I only found out that he was created and activated in the 2330's, and in 2336 came the Crystalline Entity along. So we have a bit of space.

You'll encounter only kissing and close hugging in here (no actual sex).

I'm from Germany so you'll probably find grammar errors :,).

Anyways! I hope you enjoy :3

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