1. Encounter

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You wake up in your room. The sun is shining against your red curtains, colouring your room in a smooth red light. You're staring at the white ceiling of your house. You look to your door to make sure it is still closed, sometimes your door malfunctioned and left a little gap. You hated that, it made you feel uncomfortable in your room. You roll to your left. Snuggling in your pillow and enjoying the warmth of your bed sheets.

[I only have a few days left until my school starts again, fuck.. I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL. I'm perfectly comfy here]. You think to yourself. Your gaze wanders through your room. Your sight stays on the little snowflake you hung up your lamp because you thought it was pretty. Your eyes continue to explore your room, as they rush past your school bag you immediately turn around and bury your face in that warm pillow of yours. You don't want to be reminded of school.

"(Y/n)!" Your Mom's voice pulled you back into reality. You freed your face from your pillow "What is it, Ma?!" You yell back dull. "I made breakfast. Get dressed and come down to eat!" You sigh. You don't have anything against your Mom's cooking, it's just your bed is too comfy. But you don't want to let your Mom wait, so you pull the covers off your body. You sit up and look to your nightstand. There you see your black alarm clock, favourite pair of earrings, a [Dalek] plush and your most loved book from your collection.

You reach out to press the little button on your alarm clock, the display lights up in bright blue and shows you the current time. [10 AM. I wish I could always lay in bed until 10 AM] you tell yourself. You stand up and walk through your room to reach the bathroom. On the way there you grab some black pants, a white shirt and a brown cardigan.

You enter the bathroom and begin to wash your face. Then you change into the clothes you brought in here. You take the brush that lies on the shelf behind you, and start to brush the knots out of your hair. You style your hair the way you always do, you step out of the bathroom and go down the stairs.

The door slides open and reveals your Mother sitting at a set table, waiting for you. You walk to your Mom "Morning Mom" you say while taking your seat on the opposite side of the table. "Good Morning, sweetie" she says back to you. You begin to take a few sips from the tea before you. Your Mom breaks the silence "So (Y/n), you've got plans for today?". You put down your mug "I actually do. I wanted to read by the sea again". Your Mom took a sip from her coffee,

"Again? (Y/n) you're always reading". You look at her "And that's a bad thing? Do you want me to go running around breaking the law?" You asked her sarcastic. She rests her chin on her hand. "You know what I mean by that. Why don't you go out to make some friends?". You rolled your eyes [Oh boy here we go again] you think to yourself. "I have nothing against reading. It's just.. you're ALWAYS reading. Do you plan to do the Same thing in school too? It's important after all to socialize, make at least one friend. And besides your prince charming won't come right at your doorstep."

[Now she's bringing the relationship thingy up again]. You are sitting at the table and bury your face in your hands. "Mom. How many times do I have to tell you I don't wanna BE in a relationship". You say sternly. "I live a happy single life." You take the last sip from your tea and leave the room.

As you enter your room again you poorly imitate your Mom "YoU aRe AlWaSy ReAdInG. GeT a BoYfRiEnD.. blah.. blah.". You cross your arms and look to your window. The curtains are pulled to the side by you, and reveal the view of farmland. You turn away and think about what to do before you go to your reading spot.

After a few hours

You clamp your book under your arm. Your Mom had left the house before you. You put on your shoes and close the door behind you. The spot you found one day is a bit on the outside of the colony. You walk a good 20 minutes. The water of the sea reflects the sun light, as you reach the bench placed beside the large pond. You sit down, put your feet on the bench and rest your chin on your knees. After a few minutes of relaxing you pick up your book and place it in between your chest and legs. You scroll through the pages to get back to the page you left off last time.

After a hour long reading session, you notice how the sun is setting. [Oh fuck were did the time go?] You ask yourself. You close your book and start running home. You look around you as you ran but you overlook the person in front of you. Forcefully the two of you bumped into eachother, you fell to the ground. Out of reflex you say "Omg I'm so sorry! I didn't see you!" While you stand up "I was looking everywhere but not were I'm going haha..". The person doesn't seem to notice you, he was just looking down.

He didn't even look at you. You stand behind him, looking at his back. He also wears black pants like you, but his pullover was brown. You didn't see his face but he has dark short hair. [Maybe he's upset about something..] you think to yourself. "Hey.. is everything alright?" You say sympathetically. You slowly make your way around him, you reach out to place your hand carefully on his arm. Suddenly he grabs your wrist tight to restrain you from touching him. His fast reflexes startled you, you stare at the pale hand that holds your wrist.

You tried to pull your hand out of his grip, but he was far more stronger than you. As you look up you notice that he turned his face to you. [I've never seen someone having Gold eyes] you think as he glared down at you. "Please, don't just touch me" he says silently, as he let go off your wrist. He turned away.

(Hello there! I hope you liked the first chapter. I was incredibly much fun writing it. The next chapter will be up soon


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