2. Perfect

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For a moment you look at your wrist, then you say "I'm sorry again, I should have considered that you might feel uncomfortable". You say feeling a bit embarrassed. He turned around facing you, tilting his head [That head tilt looks kind of cute]. You couldn't help it but notice the look of confusion and surprise in his eyes. After a few seconds of silence you look down, crossing your arms behind your back. "You apologized to me" he says softly.

Now you are the confused one here, you look up "Eh? I-I see apologising as Commonsense. After all I ran into you and I made you feel uncomfortable". "No one said sorry to me before" he tells you serious. [Eh? Why?]. "No one..? Like- not even once?". "No" he replies. "And you just did two times". "I don't understand, what happens when- someone bumps into you? Or if anything happens?".

You ask. "Well, I don't see many people when I'm out. Either it's late or they got scared agai-". "Wait, wait, wait. 'Scared'? Why are they of you?" [You are such a cute boy why would anyone be scared of you? Did I just call him 'cute'?] He looks away from you. "Probably because I'm different". "That's a ridiculous reason to exclude you." You say sternly "You seem like a good person". He looks wide-eyed at you. "Thank you." He says with a genuine smile. That smile of his makes you smile too. Your cheeks start to heat up. "O-Oh how rude of me, I'm (Y/n). What's your name?"
You both look at each other. "You may call me, Lore" he says.

"I like your name, Lore", You tell him. "Thank you, I like yours too". "Thanks that's a sweet thing to say" you answer, trying your best to hide your blushing face. "I hope this question isn't too personal for. But I've never seen anyone like you. What kind of race are you?" Lore's smile disappears. He is scared if he tells you what he is you might get frightened of him too. After all you're the first person, from the colony he has an actual conversation with. "Well.." He paused "I am- I am an Android."

Your jaw hangs open as he tells you that. Lore looks visibly distressed. You took a close look at Lore's details, as you exclaimed "That's amazing!" He quickly looks back at you as you continue "You are fantastic. I would have never guessed that. You're so advanced! Is it okay for you if I.." You gesture at his hand. He nods, smiles at you like you both know eachother for years. You reach out to take his hand, you hold it close to your heart. It's warm and soft, you couldn't tell the difference between his hand and any other. "You are perfect, Lore" you say.

The Sun was almost completely gone. "Oh fuck! I must get home!" You exclaim. "Oh I understand." Lore says silently, with a slight tone of sadness. You turn away but before you start running you hear Lore say "(Y/n) I want to see you again. Can we.. meet tomorrow again?" You had a huge smile on your face "I'd love that! I'll see you tomorrow, Lore!" And off you run. Lore looks in the direction you just ran, "Until tomorrow, (Y/n)" he says calmly, as he leaves the place too.

The door slides open, you enter your house. Your Mom is approaching you "(Y/n)! Where were you? It's almost completely dark outside". You nod as you take off your shoes. "I know, I had a good conversation. And lost track of time". You say trying your best to make a natural face expression. Your Mom raises her eyebrows, "You talked to someone? I thought you wanted to bury your face in your book all day". "Well.. I ran into him, on my way home". You reply quickly. Your Mom started smiling "'Him' you met a boy, and had I 'good conversation' with him?". "I had, now I wanna go sleep". You walk past your Mom, and make a beeline to your room.

You sit on your bed, your face buried in your hands. [Oh my.. is he gorgeous. I'm looking forward to see him again. But I still wonder.. why are the others afraid of him. Well.. I assume as an Android, he has inhuman strength, incredibly fast reflexes and is insanely smart. But still, he wouldn't hurt anyone.. would he? No. He isn't a force of destruction]. You make yourself ready for bed. Normally you would sit up in your bed and read, but not today. You immediately turned off the light and lay down, you wanted to jump to the next day as fast as possible. 

You wake up, and roll around in your bed. Your gaze fell onto the book that you had brought to your lucky encounter. You grabbed your own wrist, the same Lore had touched yesterday. You got a pleasant feeling, thinking back. Until the late afternoon you had to entertain yourself. You wanted to come a bit earlier than yesterday, so you had more time with Lore. But you also figured that he wouldn't want meet in the middle of the day, because the colonists didn't like him very much. You get up and dress yourself. You go down the stairs. Later you get ready, you style your hair differently and you put on make-up.

"Since when are you putting on make-up?" You Mom says from behind your back, she notices that you had some make-up on and you hair was a bit more fancy. "Are you going out? You never put o-, ohhh now I know..!" She says smiling "Let me guess the boy from yesterday. If the both of you get along so well, I wanna meet him too". You know how your Mom would react if she found out you're attached to an Android. "Maybe another time" you says busy. "It's cold outside". You Mom tells, leaning on the door frame. You turn "Okay". "I just wanted to tell you" your Mom says, as she's leaving you alone again.

Time has past. And you went out running to the spot, you bumped into him. You see him standing there. You call out "LOOMI!" Lore turns confused. You take the last steps towards him, Smiling. "Hello (Y/n)!" He greeted you happily. "I think you have miss pronounced my name" he says to you. You laugh "Don't worry, I just made up a nickname for you". He tilts his head "Does it have a meaning?" He asks curiously. "Nope, I just wanted to give you another cute name". Lore looks at you, smiling. "I have a cute name, (Y/n)?" His personality switched like someone had flipped a lever.

You say quickly "EH- I mean- COOL! A cool name!" You feel your cheeks Heat up. "Your cheeks are more pigmented, again" he says looking in your face. "Can we change the topic..?" You asked embarrassed. The both of you stroll around the landscape, jumping from one topic to another.

It was cold outside. Your hand are cold, you rub them against each other. "Are you cold?", Lore asks looking at you. "Oh it's just a bit colder than I expected", you say as you let your arms hang on the side of your body. Your cheeks Heat up as Lore's fingers closed around your hand. His hand is warm and soft, you both squeeze each other's hand. "You hand is icy cold, to human standards" He says, glancing at you. "Then continue to warm it up..", you say silently. "Do you.. want me to?" He asks carefully. You look into his golden eyes "I would love you to" you smile at him.

The two of you reached the place you met hours ago. Your hands are still folded together, and your sights locked onto each other. "(Y/n)?" Lore breaks the silence. "What is it?" You reply. "Can I.." he pauses. "Can I hug you..?". You smile widely and embrace him, Lore wraps his arms tightly around you. Your head lies gently on his throat, his head rests on your head. His warm hand caressing your neck, is most desirable to you. You hugged for a good minute. Before increasing the distance between you. "I'm afraid I need to go" you say sounding regretful. "For now" Lore winked at you. "I ne- ... want to see you again". "I want that too, but I'm afraid we'll see each other lesser, maybe every seventh day..". You say while looking down.

Lore froze, he feels increasing pressure on his heart. "Why?" He questions seriously, his cheek twitches a few times. "My school starts tomorrow.. I'll be busy most of the time, I'm sorry Loomi..". Lore lowers his head, your gaze fell onto his clenched fist. You look up into his darkening and  twitching face. You get distracted by the sudden pain in your hand, Lore's grip on your hand tightened. "Loomi can you l-loose your grip? You're h-hurting me". His head shoot up and he let go off your hand immediately. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" He exclaimed desperately.

You move his forearm closer to you and start to caress it gently. "Shh.. it's no big deal, you just held me a bit more firmly. No harm done, alright?" Lore nodded, still giving you his most apologetic look. "(Y/n) I think I should go now" he says as he starts to distance himself from you. "Loomi?". He turns his head, "I mean it. Don't guilt trip yourself because of that, it was really nothing!" You call out. He nods again "I guess I'll see you in seven days" he spoke. "Yes I promise!" You say. He walks off. [I already noticed his mood swings, but now I am certain he needs help. It made me wonder.. Like can he handle love?] You think while also walking home.

(Wow a bit sadness in here. I must admit it's really exciting to write Lore's lines and behaviour. Let's see where the story goes! I hope you look forward to the next chapter!
Have a good morning/day/evening

-Alex :3)

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