3. School Time

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You wake up by the sound of your alarm clock. Your arm slithers out off you blanket, pushing the button to silence your alarm clock [Ugh.. I school-time -_-]. You stand up reluctantly, making your way into the bathroom. You come out rubbing your eyes, taking your bag with you and carry it downstairs. Then you drink some tea, hoping your don't got sorted in a shitty class. After you finish that you put on your jacket and shoes and go to school. As you walk down the way you notice your hands got cold. You dig in your bag, pulling out a pair of gloves. You put them on [They are maybe warm but, it's not the same feeling as yesterday].

You enter your school building. You look around trying to find your room. After some time you sit down in the second row of your class. Some time later the room was filling with people about your age. You grab the book you got from home and go through the pages. A group of boys sat down behind you, you immediately feel uncomfortable as you hear then whispering about you. The teachers comes in and the whispering stops.

All of you got an exercise to work on with the person beside you. The brunette girl you work with seems nice you work together well, but in the corner of your eye you could see the dude (you figured out his name is Josh) staring at you. After hours you are GLaD your finally out of there. Josh wasn't making your first day easy, you could always hear saying your name [It's 04:55 PM. I wanna see Loomi so bad.. but I have stuff to do -_-].

Every day felt like the same: getting up, going to school, feeling uncomfortable because of Josh, going home, doing the assigned work, going to bed. Well.. except the very few days you spend with Lore. They stand out and you look forward to it all of the time.

One day you hear how Josh's friend Daniel talk about something weird. "I'm telling you! I was hanging out yesterday and then this guy who looked like he came straight from a horror story walked past me!" [What the fuck? Who are you talking about?]. You think. "Well.. he did nothing but walk past you so-". "it's about principle" Daniel interrupted his friend Jared. You focus on your book again, you only heard a few words from their conversation. But as the word Android fell, your eyes widened and you gripped your book tighter. "Bro, leave him he isn't doing anything bad" jared says annoyed to Daniel. "Do you know what he is cable of?" Daniel says calmly. "I'm not stupid Dan, I know he is superior to us" Jared continues. "You know when he realisest hat he doesn't need us anymore he WILL get rid of anyone here" threatens him.

"What do you think Josh?" Josh turns "I don't think I can say anything about that" Josh says absent. "Eh? Why?" Daniel said confused. "I don't think he counts as life from. After all, he's just a machine. He doesn't have feelings, or anything similar to that". ['Doesn't have feelings'? that's it].

You turn around to adress them. All three of them looked at you. "Has any of  you talked to 'him'?" You say with a string undertone. "Huh What? no" Daniel raised his eyebrows. "Then why do think you can judge him?" They looked at you like you had just told them their entire lifes were a lie. "Have you?" Josh asks you curiously. "I have" you reply fast. Josh's eyes widened "Why would you do that?" Daniel jumped between you "(Y/n) he's a fucking, stalker he watches everything". "He is just as curious as you are. If L-.. 'he' wants to imitate human behaviour,  he has to observe them closely" you sigh at them.

"What if he hurts you??" Josh questions concerned. "He can easily snap your neck!". "No shit Josh, but I'm certain everyone has reasons to do the things they do. And why are you so concerned about me? I can take care of myself." You tell him. You didn't notice the slight tone of pink in Josh's face, you turned away from the group immediately [Please tell me his pink cheeks are caused by a cold].

(Sorry this chapter is shorter than the others. But I needed to write it, you'll find out later why. Well.. anyway- wow chapter 3. I'm really happy your still interested in my story. Next chapter will be up soon. Have a good morning/day/evening

-Alex :3)

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