Chapter Eight: The Academy of Hivernalia

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The ornate gates opened silently at the touch of his hands against the cold metal. The day was grey and snowy. Everything was silent. It made him feel uneasy.

Jory Braveheart had journeyed from his backward village to this place, namely, the great magical academy of Hivernalia. The best in the continent, no, the best in the world. So why was it so silent and empty? The young halfling sighed before crossing the entrance.

The world changed before his eyes, after going through a blurry curtain which felt like crossing a waterfall, the once empty and desolate place filled with warm light and soft conversations. The tree became strong and verdant, full of fruits, the ground tiles, cut directly from the rock of the mountain on which the academy is based, showed no sign of use anymore.

The gate closed behind him and a small bell rang a delicate note, someone walked up to him, wearing rich blue robes whose end dragged on the ground. It was an elf named Alidera, Jory knew her well for it was her who sent him the invitation to come to the academy.

"Jory, your name suit you well! I am glad to see that you made the journey to join us" Her voice was like that of the elven people, regal and musical

"Enchantress Alidera!" The young halfling could not contain his happiness to see a familiar and friendly face "I am finally here ! I hope I did not make you wait too long!"

"No, don't worry" She guided him to the gigantic tower on the far Northern side of the peak, next to the entrance there was a plate "Tower of enlightenment" could be read from it "Have you thought of my proposal?"

"I did, but even if I want to answer you I really don't know what I should say." Jory looked around, the old stone was almost glistening under the magical fire lined up on the walls, monumental stairs ran around the tower, reaching the top, above the clouds. "Wait, there is clouds inside the tower?"

"Indeed, but fear not, those are mere illusion only reflecting the weather outside our heaven" snowflakes were falling from those clouds, empty of weight and cold, disappearing a meter or so above the elven woman's head

"Illusion magic truly has many uses!"

"All schools of magic have uses outside of fights, whether it's making a shield to protect you from the rain or using evocation magic to lit your chimney, magic is meant to make our life easier."

"The path must be both hard and dangerous"

"It is" She sighed "But nothing is easy in this world"

"Well since I came all the way here I might as well stay and see if I can learn this path"

"Then follow me I'll show you were new student sleep"

"Surely someone like you must have more important things to tend to!"

"Oh right! I almost forgot, I do have a meeting that I cannot delay, ask the young student they can tell you where to go" and just like that she had left him in the hall and ran up the stairs

Jory was left dumbfounded for a long time, he stayed there looking at those incredible stairs until someone came in followed by five student. Their conversation ended abruptly when they saw him.

"Ahyo young fella, whatcha doing here?" a young man called him, Jory almost jump out of surprise and finally snapped out of his thinking

"I happen to need help" he answered

"Need help? You are in the middle of our classroom halfling" said a tall woman with white hair and white skin

"Oh, that is a classroom? So you must be students! I am new here, do you know where new student sleep?"

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