Chapter Nineteen: The ambush

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The ground shook when the dragon touched terra firma, the creature let out a terrible roar tearing apart once more the tranquility of the mountain top, no bird song or animals cries could be heard anymore, only the echoing roar and the silence.

The dragon did not attack immediately he just stared at the four trespasser intently. There was silence for a solid minute before the dragon roared again and three lightning hit the ground around the adventurers. That was the signal to start to run again as the creature got into a defensive pose before running forward toward them.

Jory ducked into a new bush trying to convince himself that he was being stealthy but the dragons tail went right for him sending him five meters away. During the time it took him to get back on his feet he studied the dragon's appearance.

Golden polished scales, with the same strange corroded aspect as the portal. In the direct sunlight it was almost painful to look at. Jory did a quick survey of the area trying to assess his friends situation. Eleon was relatively fine, Qa was already battling for his dear life and Vix...was nowhere to be found.

The fight seemed even more desperate than the one against the spiders, this island had taken the best of them and surely enough none of them really had the strength to take on the dragon. They wanted to be over with it. A crossbow bolt flew to the dragon but just bounced off the metallic scales harmlessly. The dragon turned to the cover from where came the bolt but the shooter had already scooted away and stayed out of sight and harm.

Jory felt the familiar feeling in his chest, yet much different than the last time the necklace had allowed him to use his powers. Yet this feeling was familiar and terribly scary. An overwhelming hunger, not for food but for power, a ravenous and terrible vacuum calling for him to let it take over. Familiar feeling that made him sway on his feet. He fought an internal battle before anything else.

The dragon turned to him but Qa violently attacked it with a discarded branch taking all it's attention back to him. By being so close to the dragon the swordsman could see that it was entirely made of metal, some part were corroded and squeaky but the machine itself was a masterpiece, and he could see no openings. But fortunately, by being so close to it the dragon couldn't attack him directly.

Because that was what the dragon was, a machine. Built ages ago by forgotten geniuses that harnessed the power of lightning to power it and give it it's destructive power much like golems or war automatons. This art of magic craft, of giving life to the inanimate has been lost to the ages all that remains now are statues and rusted creature half buried in the earth. And yet, despite it all, this one was still in a working state, as if mere years had passed since it's creation. 

The dragon roared again, from his place Jory could see four crossbow bolt stick out of one of it's shoulder, it seem that Vix had managed to find one of it's weak point and without much surprise it was it's joints. Yet that doesn't mean that the fight is already won, it just so happen that the dragon is very good at keeping it's joint hidden.

In retaliation the giant mechanical creature hit Qa with a violent headbutt. It was enough to send the man flying but with an expert landing the swordsman manage to stay on his feet. Jory felt a surge of warmth in his chest, that's it, hope.

The halfling magic is not fueled by anger or fear, no, it's rather hope and the desire to help. He shan't let doubt submerge him; warmth fill his body and even though he can't cast a spell just yet he knows that soon he will be able to, without letting in the darkness. Sword in hand he jump right back into the battle.

Qa's attack is yet again unsuccessful but by repeatedly hitting the dragon he makes himself the biggest target on the field giving his companions better opportunities. That and the fact that he had yet to grow used of his terrible depth perception since the loss of his right eye. His attack left the dragon in a position that made one of his leg joint pretty vulnerable and Eleon jumped on the occasion. 

He took the shot and managed to get one arrow in, with his elf speed he managed to shoot another one before the dragon rectified it's stance and it went right in. Really easily, as if there was ever any doubt about his ability right?

This time the dragon did not attack directly it jumped back and took the opportunity the distance gave it to manage a hit on an now exposed Eleon. It directed it's giant claw right at the elf. The green armor took the hit pretty well and Eleon was not harmed but to see the giant and extremely sharp claws from so close discouraged the elf to ever get back in the dragon's range of attack.

Vix, who didn't made the oath of partnership with them for nothing directly attacked the dragon again, this time without a clear target on any of the weak spots. She did it anyway, to show that you don't mess with those she work with and protect. Unfortunately it was of no use the bolt just bounced off harmlessly. If not for the noise it made she would have doubted the dragon even noticed it.

What spell could Jory use against an armored dragon? His fire didn't burn hot enough for him to melt it and he doubted he could simply make a brute blow to it with energy. He got Qa's attention and lent him his sword. Then he got ready. The energy flowed around and inside him like the clearest of water. Water...or Ice! The energy crystallized and with a flick of his hands, the ice blue energy formed three bolt of sharp ice. Two missed entirely and one crashed directly into it mouth. The dragon shook it's head even for an automaton that must have been an unpleasant feeling.

The dragon had found a new target now and Jory was not going to stay were he was and find out what it feels like to be lacerated into ribbon so he ran and using this distraction to his advantage Qa attacked the dragon when it  walked past him. He took two blow with his sword but only managed to dent the metal around one of it's leg. 

Eleon shot again this time it was different however. No one else heard but before making his attack he muttered a prayer only for himself to hear, or perhaps any benevolent spirit that wanted to aid him in his shot. And maybe the prayer was heard. His eyes had a new shimmer to them as he took the shot and what was once one arrow became four. Tchack ! Thchack! Two of them found their way into the slit between two of the plate protecting it's neck.

The dragon roared and with a violent movement of it's tail took apart all the bushes and tree in the vicinity. It then jumped away once more and with whirring and machinery sound it's shoulder protections shifted and assumed a new position. That's when the four adventurers understood how the dragon could have come from the sky. From the two plate came a thundering sound as the back plate also shifted and flashes of blue light came out.

The Dragon now stood in front of them in all it's glory, golden and shimering under the bright sun, intricate beautiful blue wings made of pure energy buzzing in the open air spreaded out gloriously as it's eyes now shone of the same light. It roared again and crackling thunder formed in it's jaw.

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