Part 3: Impatient Padawans

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The Jedi and Padawans entered the domed outpost, passing between two of the four large wooden pillars that held up the roof. A grid-like set of wooden beams connected the pillars to the rest of the roof and ceiling. Large glass windows installed in the lower part of the dome allowed the setting sun to bathe the building in light. Several narrow circular staircases led up to smaller rooms in the rafters, most bordered by curtains and guardrails. The ground floor itself was divided into three sections by wall panels with glass doorways, all of which were open.

The largest room where the group entered held a dining and kitchen area, plus a small sand-filled courtyard occupied by a small workbench with various tools. A wide set of four stairs separated the dining/kitchen area from the workbench. Anzu noticed several gashes in the ground but was unsure of what made them. He then looked into the northern room, illuminated by sunlight that reflected off of a large silver speeder that had eight seats, the six seats behind the driver and passenger seat facing each other. Two long repulson tubes ran along each side, curved stepladders at the front and back of the speeder allowing passengers to walk over the tubes. The outer garage door was open, allowing a gentle breeze into the building and pass by the Jedi to enter the southern section. This section was darker than the others, being the furthest from the sun. It housed several shelves and tables, most of which were covered by books. While it had several wooden doors that led outside, none were open.

Anzu stared in awe at the structure. He had never been in a building made out of organic materials, having spent his entire life around machinery. The large support beams, wide open windows, and grainy wood textures filled his mind with wonder. The feature that impressed him the most was the quiet atmosphere. No heavy vehicles lumbering down the road, no noisy crowds pushing through city streets, not even the chatter of droids. He looked around and saw a deactivated white protocol droid standing near the pillar opposite of the kitchen, the only other technology being kitchenware appliances and a holonet table in the darkened south room.

He was startled when Master Ayfelda called to him, "Anzu, please come to the table." The group had entered the dining area and sat down at the table while Anzu had stopped in the middle of the courtyard as he had looked around. He quickly jumped up the stairs and sat on one of the round cushioned chairs.

He then looked at Master KazNor, who had crossed his legs under himself yet continued to float. All of the Padawans looked at him curiously, both the Twi'lek girl and human boy having wide eyes while the human girl kept her face straight. Master Ayfelda said to the girl, "Perhaps you would like to tell our fourth student about our training arrangement, Sei Bo."

Sei stared at her master a moment, then turned to Anzu. The boy was again met by the girl's cold eyes, presenting his own in turn. He was surprised when Sei smirked, as if saying that she had everything figured out. She then said, "We three Padawans have been nominated by the Jedi Council for a special training program with an honorably retired Jedi Master. Master Ayfelda, a former student of said Master, was chosen to serve as translator and guide during the extension of the program." She then turned back to Master Ayfelda and stated, "However, I see little point in her presence here as there is a protocol droid present and the planet seems fairly easy to navigate."

Anzu couldn't help but gasp at the Padawan's comments. He only knew a little about the Jedi, but he knew that Jedi Masters were powerful, stopping planetary conflicts and fighting off Sith Lords. The boy looked at both Masters present, wondering what their response would be.

Master KazNor had no noticeable reaction, but Master Ayfelda stopped smiling for the first time that afternoon. All of the Padawans, including Sei, shifted in their seats. The Kaminoan's words came softly yet firmly, "My purpose as translator and guide is not restricted to linguistics and navigation, Lady Bo. Your training here is to sharpen your skills and minds, but also to strengthen your connections with the Force. Both Master KazNor and this planet have deep bonds to the Force that you do not understand at this time. My experience and counsel will be crucial to your success here."

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