Part 5/Christmas Story: The Living Force

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The floating Jedi looked at the four Padawans as they climbed into the speeder's back seats. Everyone was wearing space suits, Master KazNor being attached to its  hoverpad again and Master Ayphelda looking like a strange lamp with her head and long neck being covered by her helmet. It then looked outside, seeing the giant clouds blacken the sky as rain drenched the land. KazNor was thankful for the darkness, both for their current trip as well as for events soon to come. When everyone had settled into their seats, it initiated the speeder's autopilot, the vehicle's usual humming turning into whirling. It then shot into the night, all of the Padawans gripping their seats at the sudden acceleration.

The speeder passed through the rain quickly, bringing the Jedi to the edge of a large forest. As it stopped, KazNor noticed Chai and Kozen shivering despite wearing heated space suits. While it knew the cause, it made no effort to comfort them; they'd have to get used to the trees.

The trees of the forest looked like normal trees before winter, devoid of leaves and rough to the touch. However, the lack of other plant life around them betrayed their identity. This forest was the Hollow, home of the planet's Dark Side power. Only the strongest survived here, even among plants. As living organisms, the trees used their roots and, in the case of the largest trees, their aura to suck away the life of surrounding plants and animals. This also pertained to the Jedi, although only Chai and Kozen felt its effects. Both Jedi Masters and Sei Bo had been trained to protect themselves, using their connection with the Light Side to strengthen their bodies and auras.

The floating Jedi looked at Anzu, who seemed to be at peace in the forest. The Padawan stepped out of the speeder and walked over to a nearby tree. He reached out to touch it, but as his fingers made contact the tree crumbled into dust.

The boy turned to KazNor. "This is what those people did to me, isn't it? Made me hunger for the Force of others?"

The Jedi nodded its head. "All living beings are connected to the Force, its energy powering both the Light and Dark Sides. Those sorcerers severed your connection to life around you and the Light Side, forcing you to drain others to survive."

KazNor's hover pad detached from the vehicle and it drifted toward Anzu. It continued, "Your training has let you reconnect with the Light Side, but your Force wound is still healing. Should it reopen and grow, you will be come like these trees or the beasts that dwell at the Heart of the Hollows." Anzu nodded solemnly, putting his hand on his chest to feel his heart beating steadily. He breathed in and smiled. He looked up at KazNor and the other Jedi who had joined them. He bowed his head and said, "Thank you all for helping me."

All of the other Jedi bowed in return, Kozen making a quick bow before standing straight and rubbing his arms to get warm. Master Ayphelda walked over to Kozen and guided him again in protecting himself from the Hollow's effects. After Kozen relaxed, the Kaminoan walked over to Chai to check on her. The short Twi'lek smiled at her, indicating that she was fine. Ayphelda smiled in return and turned to Sei, who merely nodded her head. She then said to KazNor, "We're ready to head to the Tree."

The Padawans exchanged looks. They had been told they were going to a tree, but they weren't told why this Tree was so special. The Jedi had been warned them about the Hollow forest, so the Padawans assumed that it was something related to the Dark Side.

The group started walking deeper into the forest, the effects of the Hollow growing stronger. The Padawans huddled together, although Sei stayed towards the back, looking for beasts. Instead both she and the other Padawans noticed patches of moss and grass. The patches turned into lawns, and then flowers and bushes appeared. The trees also started to show leaves, soon many having filled branches and even fruits.

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